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Forums - Sony Discussion - The selling power of Gran Turismo

daactualfact said:
^Twingo, you talk about Stage, yet everything you said sounds just as bad. 6 to 7 mil in Europe alone? 2.5 mil in japan? Are you really saying this will beat the Ps2 versions honestly? And the reasons you mentioned for it selling that high is based on what you think. What if people don't care about the online, the hi def picture?

i base my claims of GTs history, not stupid personal opinions.

Yahh people dont care about graphics, just like guys dont care about good looking women lol.  Denying the importance of visuals is unbelievably stupid.  GT3s superior graphics compared to previous gen GT was its major selling point every review was drooling about how it looked.  This is a freaking racer, great graphics are one of the fundemental parts of it.

Lack of online was why GT4 did not do to great in NA, Europe forgave its absence but NA did not.

GT3 - NA 7.1 million others 5.8
GT4 - NA 2.7 million others 5.58 (GT4p was also released in Europe, sale still maintined with previos version)

Given Europe is now the worlds biggest gamimg market, it will be where majority of GT sales are.  Europe with a much healthier economy then US and 731 million people and rising economys of E Europe and Russia.

By the time GT5 comes US will be well on their way out from these economic issues.

As for Japan i might be off but not like it matters much with the JDM nearing being irrelevent.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jo21 said:
gran turismo not a single have have sold less than 9 million that isnt a beta/prologue

it will sell 10 millions easily.


Break down the sales for me by the 3 largest countries and others. Please...I beg of you. I want to see your logic by demand. Especially with this world economy.


World ecommy is actually doing fine, its just the US and England in the crapper.  Chinas is picking up the slack pretty good these days, it might be the only reason GM survives its troubles.

We just need to get them Chinese gaming more.

Ps its a 400 dollar console, not a 500k house ok bud.  Enertaiment is one of the last things to go in a bad economy.  People need a escape for the harsh cold reality.  (crime and prostetution never go)

Dont drink your probelms away, game them away!!!

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jo21 said:
gran turismo not a single have have sold less than 9 million that isnt a beta/prologue

it will sell 10 millions easily.


Break down the sales for me by the 3 largest countries and others. Please...I beg of you. I want to see your logic by demand. Especially with this world economy.


world economy its in the CRAP.

but people bought 6 million iphones last year and are going to pay over 1800$ without going over minutes in a period over too years.

and its not like in the period over a year gt is comming ps3 its not going to get a price cut.

and even after released before this generation ends.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jo21 said:
gran turismo not a single have have sold less than 9 million that isnt a beta/prologue

it will sell 10 millions easily.


Break down the sales for me by the 3 largest countries and others. Please...I beg of you. I want to see your logic by demand. Especially with this world economy.

Lifetime sales: (edited numbers after looking at Halo's 45%+ attach rate in America)

Japan: 1.4mil (~28% attach rate, 5mil consoles)
America: 3.1mil (~22% attach rate, 14mil consoles)
Total Others: 5.5mil (~22% attach rate, 25mil consoles)

Now that I look at this, it seems quite likely it's going to happen. I'm actually thinking it can do 11mil now. Remember what I mentioned before, in Japan GT3 sold 1.7mil with 5.6mil consoles sold, which was a 30% attach rate.

edit: There's too much wrong with twingo's arguments, I'll let someone else take care of it.


Basing off Prologue:

12.5% to Japan

24.3% to America

62.2% to Europe

Total amont sold (retail sold, not downloaded) 2.08 million on a userbase of 16.04 million. I will say a total of 2.50 sales were made counting download.

Attach rate: 15.6%

So, when should the release date be? I'll say Holidays 2009, which is very fair.

PS3 should be able to sell 11m - 13m in that time (Year-ish)


So let's say PS3 has sold 28 million by the time it is released.

28,000,000 x .156 = 4,368,000 sales

Japan: 550,368

America: 1,061,424

Europe: 2,716,896

Is that right???


Anyway, It's possible to eventually reach 10 million, but it will need some damn fine legs.





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Did you just say the prologue attach rate will be the same as the full game? Words cannot describe how stupid people are on this site.