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Basing off Prologue:

12.5% to Japan

24.3% to America

62.2% to Europe

Total amont sold (retail sold, not downloaded) 2.08 million on a userbase of 16.04 million. I will say a total of 2.50 sales were made counting download.

Attach rate: 15.6%

So, when should the release date be? I'll say Holidays 2009, which is very fair.

PS3 should be able to sell 11m - 13m in that time (Year-ish)


So let's say PS3 has sold 28 million by the time it is released.

28,000,000 x .156 = 4,368,000 sales

Japan: 550,368

America: 1,061,424

Europe: 2,716,896

Is that right???


Anyway, It's possible to eventually reach 10 million, but it will need some damn fine legs.