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daactualfact said:
^Twingo, you talk about Stage, yet everything you said sounds just as bad. 6 to 7 mil in Europe alone? 2.5 mil in japan? Are you really saying this will beat the Ps2 versions honestly? And the reasons you mentioned for it selling that high is based on what you think. What if people don't care about the online, the hi def picture?

i base my claims of GTs history, not stupid personal opinions.

Yahh people dont care about graphics, just like guys dont care about good looking women lol.  Denying the importance of visuals is unbelievably stupid.  GT3s superior graphics compared to previous gen GT was its major selling point every review was drooling about how it looked.  This is a freaking racer, great graphics are one of the fundemental parts of it.

Lack of online was why GT4 did not do to great in NA, Europe forgave its absence but NA did not.

GT3 - NA 7.1 million others 5.8
GT4 - NA 2.7 million others 5.58 (GT4p was also released in Europe, sale still maintined with previos version)

Given Europe is now the worlds biggest gamimg market, it will be where majority of GT sales are.  Europe with a much healthier economy then US and 731 million people and rising economys of E Europe and Russia.

By the time GT5 comes US will be well on their way out from these economic issues.

As for Japan i might be off but not like it matters much with the JDM nearing being irrelevent.