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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Impressions of the NXE from MTV Multiplayer
The 6.8 GB install for Fable 2 only taking 12 min. sounds great, yeah for no spinning discs.

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nice, m$ better release a 200hdd if they want ppl to actually use the install option.





Yeah MS is going to have to come out with a larger HD to take advantage of this. Of course they will overcharge for it as usual :P My guess is $250 for 300gig lol.

It's just that simple.

Wait, if F2 is 6.8 gbs, with 3.2 gbs remaining why did they skimp so much on the number of outfits and weapons?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
Wait, if F2 is 6.8 gbs, with 3.2 gbs remaining why did they skimp so much on the number of outfits and weapons?


DVD9 discs do not hold 10gb of data.  They hold 6.8 from my understanding.

Around the Network
Designation Sides Layers
Diameter Capacity
(cm) (GB) (GiB)
DVD-1[12] SS SL 1 1 8 1.46 1.36
DVD-2 SS DL 1 2 8 2.66 2.47
DVD-3 DS SL 2 2 8 2.92 2.72
DVD-4 DS DL 2 4 8 5.32 4.95
DVD-5 SS SL 1 1 12 4.70 4.37
DVD-9 SS DL 1 2 12 8.54 7.95
DVD-10 DS SL 2 2 12 9.40 8.74
DVD-14[13] DS DL/SL 2 3 12 13.24 12.32
DVD-18 DS DL 2 4 12 17.08 15.90


From Wikipedia.

So a DVD-9 holds 8.54 gbs.  How come none of its' games use this much?  There is no way tha Microsoft has 2gbs of copy protection, especially with all the success pirates are having.

Also, what's with DVD-10, -14, and -18?  Never heard of them.  I take it the 360 isn't capable of utilizing them, or they're really expensive?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
Designation Sides Layers
Diameter Capacity
(cm) (GB) (GiB)
DVD-1[12] SS SL 1 1 8 1.46 1.36
DVD-2 SS DL 1 2 8 2.66 2.47
DVD-3 DS SL 2 2 8 2.92 2.72
DVD-4 DS DL 2 4 8 5.32 4.95
DVD-5 SS SL 1 1 12 4.70 4.37
DVD-9 SS DL 1 2 12 8.54 7.95
DVD-10 DS SL 2 2 12 9.40 8.74
DVD-14[13] DS DL/SL 2 3 12 13.24 12.32
DVD-18 DS DL 2 4 12 17.08 15.90


From Wikipedia.

So a DVD-9 holds 8.54 gbs.  How come none of its' games use this much?  There is no way tha Microsoft has 2gbs of copy protection, especially with all the success pirates are having.

Also, what's with DVD-10, -14, and -18?  Never heard of them.  I take it the 360 isn't capable of utilizing them, or they're really expensive?

I'm not really sure, all i know is what has been posted on this site with links in the past and on beyond3d, and they list the 360 dual layer disc at about 6.8gb.


Sorry I just done a dupe on this apologies all. :)





Sounds like a major improvement from the current version. Wayy better!

You all noobs ;)

360 dvd's use a chunk of the physical space available for security measures - that's why it can't fetch the whole capacity of the disk.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).