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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Resident Evil 5 producer - Wii couldn’t handle title screen of RE5

Valdens said:
"Haha, you can't bench 300 pounds!" says the weight lifter to the millionaire scientist.


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"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Diomedes1976 said:
I keep hearing that "wait until the developers shift to Wii!" arguement by wii fanboys ,but its clear thats not happening.

HD gaming sells more games that Wii gaming ,and many many more third party titles that Wii does.Plus ,this is a technology driven industry and developers wont abandon their investments in high end development tools and programming talent just to accomodate to the Wii technology....they will keep supporting the HD consoles and PC and throw some lame spin-offs and 2-3 original games here and there on the Wii.

Current difference in games over 80+ for 360 and PS3 against WII is massive ,and if wii fanboys think it wont get bigger and bigger as years pass they are only fooling themselves .


You have some good things to say ... and some not so good things to say.

A lot depends on the developer. Sega seems to have cast its lot more with the Wii than with the HD consoles. It sees that there is a market that is being underserved.

However, you are spot on with regard to HD preference on the part of many developmers.  PS3/Xbox 360/PC all use basically the same approach/code/graphics/middleware (or versions thereof), making those multiplatform games easy(ier) to program.

As for HD selling more than Wii -- the global tie ratio for the Wii is estimated to be HIGHER than the PS3 (5.16 vs. 4.88), according to this website. Admittedly that is a gross and inexact measure. But it does point out the selling myth.  (The Xbox 360 is higher at 7.22 -- but it has been out 12 months longer. So if you did a tie rate/time on market ratio, the Wi would be highest).

On the reviews, there is a bias in many parts of the review community against the Wii. But there is also a lot of shovelware out there. So it is a draw. But just remember high review scores does not necessarily equate with fun.


Mike from Morgantown






I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


outlawauron said:
trestres said:

Nintendo doesn't need to push devs, they are already coming to the Wii. As for third party support for the HD's you may as well call the PS3 a 360, or call the 360 a PS3, since the word exclusive is forbidden.

Wii will remain the casual console forever, that's true. But that doesn't mean that next year games will not start to come. In the worst of the cases Wii will get the most support only from Japan, but it will be a monopoly. Re-read my previous post, I explained why Wii didn't get good 3rd party support so far this gen, yet you insist that it will remain like that forever. Very sad.

Also, you are making your own claims. How can you say that mines aren't true, when you "predictions" aren't more than your own claims. Hypocrisy at its best. Very sad x 2.

This is where I have to speak up. It's obvious that developers are not  coming to the Wii. The only big games announced are is MH3 and The Conduit. If these developers were making these awesome games, wouldn't they want to let their fanbase know about them?

The Conduit is hardly a  big game. 

It's a generic shooter at it's finest >_>

I remember posting in this thread weak ago

I now have to necro this thread to say that RE5's title screen looks perfectly feasible on the Wii.

Do those who have played the demo agree? Could Capcom have a fantastic title screen waiting for us in the final release?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957