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Forums - General Discussion - What's better - Waffles or Pancakes???

waffles coz they taste nicer and wen u go on holiday they always sell them i think!

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pancakes easily

Pancakes, I don't mind frying that bunny rabbit either.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.


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Waffles.. they are easier to cook.

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You can put your blueberries inside the pancake. Blueberries inside a waffle does not taste as good.

Waffles because Chicken and Waffles is one of the best meals ever created!

Wetcoaster said:
Waffles because Chicken and Waffles is one of the best meals ever created!

But pancakes and waffles are better.

Pancakes... There's just so much more varieties of it you can do. I personally like to make those big thin ones and put fruits, nuts and crème in it, roll it and top it with whipped cream. ^^

there's a reason why i keep some sourdough on top of my cupboards.

waffles rock. i tend to make my own waffles, and then add a whole wack of toppings.

... i always burn my pancakes. they don't rock.

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