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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - OXM gives Gears of War 2 9/10

very disappointing score

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Paul_Warren said:
"9 out of 10 is impressive....but we knew this game woul be impressive anyway"

Yeah right. This is the kind of crowd that says a review score of 6 is impressive as long as its on a game they worship.


          You came back for more after totally being crushed yourself a favor and just stop!  It's one review.  You might want to wait for some more reviews before you start digging yourself an even bigger hole.  It wasnt a 6, or a 7, or even a great score like an 8, it was a [9].  I had no idea a [9] was a bad thing.  MGS4 and LBP have both gotten plenty of 9's, and I consider them GOTY contenders.  So the day reviewers start at 10 and work there way up....please.....let me know.

Munkeh111 said:
headshot91 said:
how can he be playing multiplayer online wen the games isnt being released yet? i gess he meant multiplayer co-op

They play it with other memebers of the press and with the devs themselves



no online works i have the game and you can play with anyone who has the game


"You came back for more after totally being crushed yourself a favor and just stop! It's one review. You might want to wait for some more reviews before you start digging yourself an even bigger hole. It wasnt a 6, or a 7, or even a great score like an 8, it was a [9]. I had no idea a [9] was a bad thing. MGS4 and LBP have both gotten plenty of 9's, and I consider them GOTY contenders. So the day reviewers start at 10 and work there way up....please.....let me know."

I got crushed....I have a question for you, how many weeks in a row was the 360 able to beat the PS3 in Others after having its price reduced to half of the PS3's? Two, man, if I was crushed, then the 360 was annihilated. The PS2's library is the standard of excellence in gaming and during its lifetime it had 62 games in the 9.0-10.0 range and 319 total games in the 80-100 range.

Now that the 360 is nearing the end its lifetime and with Gears 2 supposed to be its last hurrah looking more and more everyday like it will turn into a fizzle instead one sees that the 360 has only managed 17 games in the 9.0-10.0 range and only 120 total games in the 8.0-9.0 range.

Now using the PS2's library as a standard of excellence for console games (only PC's have had more quality games but they've been around since the early eighties), then after hearing all the x-fans talk about the huge number of great games on their console in forum after forum when one goes investigate the matter, they find that the 360 line up has in fact been very disappointing (no 9.0 exclusives yet in 2008? There were years when the PS2 had up to twenty games with 9.0 or better scores).

Looks like MS is doomed to wind up in third this gen.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

deathgod33 said:
if it gets a 9/10 from OXM then thats a bad sign. OXM is supposed to give the overhyped games 2 ratings higher then what it deserves. so its actualy like a 7/10 now.


that's not true: OXM actually gave Fable II 8/10...and according to  metacritic that was the 2nd lowest score that Fable II received (Fable II has a score of 90 on metacritic based on more than 40 reviews)


As strange as it may sound OXM isn't that biased...


2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

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good score, i think the average score will be when its all said and done is a 9.5





Spectrumglr said:
deathgod33 said:
if it gets a 9/10 from OXM then thats a bad sign. OXM is supposed to give the overhyped games 2 ratings higher then what it deserves. so its actualy like a 7/10 now.


that's not true: OXM actually gave Fable II 8/10...and according to  metacritic that was the 2nd lowest score that Fable II received (Fable II has a score of 90 on metacritic based on more than 40 reviews)


As strange as it may sound OXM isn't that biased...



 Exactly. OXM UK and OPM UK are very much not biased (they are owned by the same company). They are two official magazines you can listen to. Some people who really enjoy fable and people like starcraft and selnor I'm sure would argue that an 8 is too low for fable but I find the review fare and actually share the reviewer's point of view. It's a great game but people forget that 8 is a great score.

I'm happy to see a 9/10 for Gears 2. It shows that it's just as good (and as stupid, but hey, who cares? It's FUN!) as the first and it will surely get my purpose. I thought for surely it would get a 10/10 but OXM once again doesn't show bias which is great.

PS3 Trophies



Paul_Warren said:
"You came back for more after totally being crushed yourself a favor and just stop! It's one review. You might want to wait for some more reviews before you start digging yourself an even bigger hole. It wasnt a 6, or a 7, or even a great score like an 8, it was a [9]. I had no idea a [9] was a bad thing. MGS4 and LBP have both gotten plenty of 9's, and I consider them GOTY contenders. So the day reviewers start at 10 and work there way up....please.....let me know."

I got crushed....I have a question for you, how many weeks in a row was the 360 able to beat the PS3 in Others after having its price reduced to half of the PS3's? Two, man, if I was crushed, then the 360 was annihilated. The PS2's library is the standard of excellence in gaming and during its lifetime it had 62 games in the 9.0-10.0 range and 319 total games in the 80-100 range.

Now that the 360 is nearing the end its lifetime and with Gears 2 supposed to be its last hurrah looking more and more everyday like it will turn into a fizzle instead one sees that the 360 has only managed 17 games in the 9.0-10.0 range and only 120 total games in the 8.0-9.0 range.

Now using the PS2's library as a standard of excellence for console games (only PC's have had more quality games but they've been around since the early eighties), then after hearing all the x-fans talk about the huge number of great games on their console in forum after forum when one goes investigate the matter, they find that the 360 line up has in fact been very disappointing (no 9.0 exclusives yet in 2008? There were years when the PS2 had up to twenty games with 9.0 or better scores).

Looks like MS is doomed to wind up in third this gen.

Sony have 7 AAA Titles, in the same time frame the 360 has been out, it had 10 AAA titles, you really do cherry pick don't you?


Fable 2 & Braid are AAA Exclusives, what has the PS3 got this year? MGS4 & LBP ... 2 vs 2 .. see you're full of crap.


In fact the 360 has 7, count them SEVEN AAA exclusive titles ... the PS3 has TWO.

You're so scared for your precious sony playstation, you do know it wont implode when it comes in third right?



dude braid not a real game  and what i mean by it is a arcade game good for it price the only true 360 game with a tripple A rating is fable 2 (if it stays that way)

sweetoothj said:

dude braid not a real game  and what i mean by it is a arcade game good for it price the only true 360 game with a tripple A rating is fable 2 (if it stays that way)


WTF? What is it then if it isn't a real game? Just because it doesn't have a fancy box doesn't make it any less of a game!!