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Paul_Warren said:
"9 out of 10 is impressive....but we knew this game woul be impressive anyway"

Yeah right. This is the kind of crowd that says a review score of 6 is impressive as long as its on a game they worship.


          You came back for more after totally being crushed yourself a favor and just stop!  It's one review.  You might want to wait for some more reviews before you start digging yourself an even bigger hole.  It wasnt a 6, or a 7, or even a great score like an 8, it was a [9].  I had no idea a [9] was a bad thing.  MGS4 and LBP have both gotten plenty of 9's, and I consider them GOTY contenders.  So the day reviewers start at 10 and work there way up....please.....let me know.