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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN: Fable 2 filled with more great ideas than last 10 years of FF combined

Legend11 said:

I'm not sure if another thread has covered this comment but it is pretty amazing that IGN would heap this much praise on Fable 2. It truly is an amazing end of year for Xbox 360 gamers.


Still, one FF iteration is still more attractive to me than Fable + Fable 2 combined

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Pacman is filled with more great ideas than last 10 years of FF combined.

Yeah Fable 2 has alot going for it but its back handed comment because FF are all the same shit with different number behind them.


IGN would never say that.

And what for Fable and Final Fantasy - Fable 2 scored worse in reviews than any main Final Fantasy game of the last 10 years. Check metacritic. And if we are going to make a little research we will find how many sites/magazines have praised FFXII for its innovations. And this includes IGN.

So I don't really get it why Fable fans try so hard to make a bid deal out of 1UP's recent words. 1UP loves Fable - alright. But Fable scores worse in reviews, sells worse, and leaves many people dissapointed ( check other net forums - people already bitching about how, once again, not everything Mouleneux promised is in the game and how they are dissapointed in Lionhead )

NeoRatt said:
I just spent my first few minutes with the game.

This is good. Very good. I'm gonna take my time going through, it just seems like the right thing to do... I don't think the game is a 10 but the reviews seems to give it justice at 8.9ish...

Gotta go back and keep playing...


Wait till you get past the drama before you grow up and then actually play the game. Wow...

Right now I'm going through Fable 1. I never got passed the first town because it gave me headache and I thought it was crap. Never touched the game after that. But then again, I was comparing it to a JRPG, wich I liked better back in the day. So now, I'm actually giving it a fair chance, seeing how awesome Fable 2 is.


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flagship said:
zexen_lowe said:
I'm getting tired of the argument that JRPGs are getting stale. I wonder how many JRPGs have played those who say it. I won't argue here if they are more innovative or not than WRPGs, but they aren't getting stale. You hae FFXII which tried a radically different approach to the series (good or not is up to oppinion, but it IS radical), but people say that FF are always the same. Then you have games like Persona 3 (which blends RPG with social life sim), Suikoden and Radiata Stories (which give you more characters to recruit than all the NPCs in a WRPG), Disgaea (which makes a lot of twists, like Item World, the Senate that had never been done before), Shin Megami Tensei, etc.
And let's not even talk about the upcoming games like White Knight, which will even add online co-op to a JRPG.
We can argue if the JRPGs could even improve more, but those who say they haven't improved in 10 years have only played Dragon Quest in their lives


I've played JRPGs since FF1 on the NES, JRPGs are currently at hardtack level. Yes occasionally a JRPG these days tries to be mildly different but then you realize the horrible character personality development and terrible overcomplicated plot could have been removed and replaced with the classic I must save the princess one liner and the game would have been drastically better.

Interest how you defend JRPGs with games that are at least 4 years old, unless of course you're trying to count the 5th iteration of Suikoden, 3rd Persona and 3rd Disgaea as orginal ideas rather than poorly done copycutter sequels of games that were topnotch back in the PS1 days.  Not that 108 stars of destiny or Radiatas slew of chracters were anything more original than various clones with the basic format of: Fighter, Mage, Mage/Fighter combination 95% of which are made entire useless once you collect the 5 uber characters. Oh and lets not forget the amazing new wonderous improvment of level grinding that Disgaea and Persona brought us......

Odd that you left Lost Oddessy, the best JRPG made in the last year off your list.


And on topic saying Fable 2 is more innovative that any FF in the last decade is like saying Mortal Combat is a better Fighter than Shaq-Fu.


Red: That's an opinion, and one I disagree completely, I'd take any overcomplicated plot over a simple save the princess story, in fact, a complex plot for me is essential for an RPG to be excellent, if all the JRPGs had Mario-like story we'd end up with all Dragon Quests and I'd commit suicide

Green: Persona 3 is a copycutter sequel? Please, I haven't played Persona 1 and 2 I don't want to imagine the kind of masterpieces they are if P3 compared to them is just a copycutter sequel

Blue: I've never said theat P3 and Disgaea completely revolutionized the genre, just that they brought up new ideas to it and implemented them perfectly. Just like Fable has new ideas but also has the old conventions (Mute character)

Yellow: There's nothing odd, I don't have a 360, therefore I haven't played any of its JRPGs


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I choose to ignore FF after 7.... in fact as far as I know that's when the real series ended and the FF Trash 8-12 started.

DMeisterJ said:
It's 1up

And as Darc said, FF's last ten years haven't been too awesome. This is VIII and on. And they have been generally worse than the first seven, that's not saying much considering they're all awesome.

I also heard this is the same guy that gave Brave story PSP an A.

So... that's where his credibility is.


James Mielke was a former model, don't hate. n_n

Really though, this guy is a vet. Besides Shoe, who left 1up, he's the only guy that I actually trust on 1up.


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it's one persons opinion. the person who reviewed thinks it is, not the whole web.

As far as Final Fantasy goes. He might be right, because my appeal to play and finish the game did stop at 7.

I have followed and played all Final Fantasy from 1-6. Kind of took a while to play 7 and it was awesome. Tried playing 8, couldn't get into it. Tried 9, couldn't get into it. X, I played the crap out of. But half way through the game, it kind of made me not like Final Fantasy as much as I used to and never finished it. It's probably because of the stupid water game they play, I hated that. X-2, I have shrinkwrapped, haven't touched. XII, I have in steelbook, don't want to touch and open because the box looks so awesome. XII I will eventually play, I've seen my friend play it and it looks fun. X and X-2 I don't think I'll bother with anymore.  Crisis Core is pretty good. I did buy a PS3 to play XIII, which I'm excited to play when it comes out.


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XiaoMay said:
Legend11 said:

I'm not sure if another thread has covered this comment but it is pretty amazing that IGN would heap this much praise on Fable 2. It truly is an amazing end of year for Xbox 360 gamers.


Still, one FF iteration is still more attractive to me than Fable + Fable 2 combined


^^ completely true, and lets not talk about sales cus is unfair, but i still dont get why the hype over fable. is an rpg for non rpg gamers

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