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As far as Final Fantasy goes. He might be right, because my appeal to play and finish the game did stop at 7.

I have followed and played all Final Fantasy from 1-6. Kind of took a while to play 7 and it was awesome. Tried playing 8, couldn't get into it. Tried 9, couldn't get into it. X, I played the crap out of. But half way through the game, it kind of made me not like Final Fantasy as much as I used to and never finished it. It's probably because of the stupid water game they play, I hated that. X-2, I have shrinkwrapped, haven't touched. XII, I have in steelbook, don't want to touch and open because the box looks so awesome. XII I will eventually play, I've seen my friend play it and it looks fun. X and X-2 I don't think I'll bother with anymore.  Crisis Core is pretty good. I did buy a PS3 to play XIII, which I'm excited to play when it comes out.


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