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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will LPB really sell that well?

Well should sell very well to the core as I know they are buying into it. However I have no idea what the mainstream gamer will think. I mean its meant for them and Sony has done everything possible to make this seem as if its a mainstream game but there really isn't too many mainstream qualities to the game such as easy to get into or pick up and play. But brand alone that they've pushed might get it there. It'll sell well. Now will it sell as well as the fanboys are saying... hmm probably not but it'll do well.

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Yes. I remember when a dude got laughed out of a thread for saying that MGS4 would sell 750K in it's first week. The game sold 1.3M on day one.....

4 ≈ One

Maynard_Tool said:
leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said:
^ LOL!!!!!!



We all know Wii sports is the best game this gen.


No its not, but neither is or will be LBP!!! come on, overhyping a game is something....but doing what people are doing to LBP is just ridicolous. I mean, people claim that MGS4 is the best game for the generation, but now they say LBP will be the best game this gen.... i seriously doubt LBP will be one of the top games this year. Please, enough is enough. LBP is a good game and a fresh idea, but NO its not gonna be the best game this generation, not even close. That's just stupid. You may like the game....but to say it will be the best game..... issues 8-)


But, w/e i dont even know why i responded to you, i mean, everybody knows (incluiding me) what type of person you are....please, its a little late. You should be sleeping by now.


I disagree with you. It is not overhyped... I think it should be HYPED up even more than that. You just afraid it will do too well on the market and don't want it to suceed. I can see the fear in your eyes.

fayewong said:
Maynard_Tool said:
leo-j said:
Maynard_Tool said:
^ LOL!!!!!!



We all know Wii sports is the best game this gen.


No its not, but neither is or will be LBP!!! come on, overhyping a game is something....but doing what people are doing to LBP is just ridicolous. I mean, people claim that MGS4 is the best game for the generation, but now they say LBP will be the best game this gen.... i seriously doubt LBP will be one of the top games this year. Please, enough is enough. LBP is a good game and a fresh idea, but NO its not gonna be the best game this generation, not even close. That's just stupid. You may like the game....but to say it will be the best game..... issues 8-)


But, w/e i dont even know why i responded to you, i mean, everybody knows (incluiding me) what type of person you are....please, its a little late. You should be sleeping by now.


I disagree with you. It is not overhyped... I think it should be HYPED up even more than that. You just afraid it will do too well on the market and don't want it to suceed. I can see the fear in your eyes.


As I read that I heard it in the lyrics of the song am listening to, or atleast something really close to it. Facade - Disturbed.

Uh... yes... this is very off topic but I couldn't help myself.

4 ≈ One

leo-j said:
idk I have a feeling its not going to sell as well as I or anyone else expected..


I'd have to say that I think it will sell better than you expect, but also, I feel the delay killed a little bit of the momentum the game had. More than bad, less than spectacular.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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reviewers love it, it got all the points to sell well..

great reviews, great gameplay, long lasting appeal, online, everything.