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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will LPB really sell that well?

I know I know its a great game with endless replay value but will people outside gaming websites know these things. thats why i think maybe it wont be so big.

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i have preordered =).

yes it will sell big and the game will have huge legs too.

the only bad point it have its a 399$ console.

hell, 6 million people are paying 1800$+ for 2 years of owner ship of a iphone.

there is a chance it drive sales.

I think it will sell well. On the other hand I don't think it will sell like MGS4. Or Resistance 2


It will have decent sales thx to be bundled in the the Holiday season.

Jo21 said:
i have preordered =).

yes it will sell big and the game will have huge legs too.

the only bad point it have its a 399$ console.

hell, 6 million people are paying 1800$+ for 2 years of owner ship of a iphone.

there is a chance it drive sales.


Geez and thats without going over in minutes!


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I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it will not sell that much.

But we have to wait just two more weeks.

Like i said before, hype [especially THIS kind of HYPE!!!!!] can do a lot of things. Let's wait and see

I got have reserved as well.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

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 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

idk I have a feeling its not going to sell as well as I or anyone else expected..



I got a tad bored with the Beta, but thats just me.

I know it will sell well.. but what about the long run of the game, like after someone plays it for a bit and sees whats involved with making a level and how the game play is, will it leave them with something like well... disappointment.

I think of the game like Photoshop, the program is amazing, but i do not have the patience for it. I ask someone to make a sig or avatar for me.

I remember how everyone was talking about User Mods for UT for the PS3... but what do you hear about UT now? well nothing, so much hype was involved with UT and User Mods and now nobody talks about the game now.

But.. I think this game will grow on people WAY more then UT did, I mean it appeals to more, you can do ANYTHING, and thats what will make the game GREAT!

I am buying LBP, but i think I will wait a month or to for more content to come out, yes I know it comes with allot, but I will wait to see what else is in store I know there will be tons of stuff because this is Sony's Dream Ticket..


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