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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance no longer Resistance?

I think the graphics look good in the multiplayer(not great). They need to clean up some textures, the character models could use some work, and some animations are choppy. I don't think you are going to see a huge leap in graphics from the beta to the final game. IG said in their podcast yesterday that the beta is from near final build code. I suspect that the single player will look better, but I doubt that R2 will be remembered for its graphics. It will be remembered for its gameplay (10 - 12 hours single player, 100 + hours cooperative, and 100 + hours of multiplayer).

I can understand why hardcore Resistance 1 fans are upset that R2 is more like COD4 than R1. Unfortunately, that's the direction IG has gone in. I really like it but some won't.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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Based on that i played R1 and i own R2 Beta i must say the Beta kicks A$$. Its so sweet with 60 players fast pace action AND IT HAS MY FAVO THING! WHEN U KILL SOME1 YOU GO LIKE YEEEEEEAHHHH LOOK AT THAT BLOOD!! while on some games u go like *checks* oh good i killed him.

ya thats how i felt at first but i think the control changes are for the bettr

i think the graphics are beta graphics cuz the beta was already huge so the probably had to shrink the graphic goodness

i feel like its just a resistance gone thru puberty

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.

Dolla Dolla said:
I've heard it's borrowed a lot from other successful games.



very very true i kinda like it

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.


R2 = COD

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Hmmm, why are people complaining about the graphics ?  I haven't seen anything that makes me think they are not good.  The art in the game is "hyper realistic" which means vibrant colours, as opposed to R 1 which was mostly gray and brown.  Also, the textures are less detailed because they didn't want you to have to download 4+ gigs of data, this is stated on the Beta forums.

The character models are amazing, as are the weapon reload animations.  Playing as spec ops, i spent alot of time crouched beside a soldier in Co-op, and i was amazed to see that the hand holding the back of the chaingun actually had a knife in it for melee attacks.  I think they did an excellent job, its just so fast paced you dont get a lot of time to admire the graphics.  Next time you reload a weapon, watch the bullet get chambered from the magazine.

This is the closest I've seen to what we'll see in the full release.

bbsin said:

R2 = COD

I would have to agree with that, at least in the terms that the second game's multiplayer has been reworked to be something awesome.

The multiplayer in the first game was an accelerated frag fest (as in all people moved faster and weapons had a higher rate of fire), it got pretty annoying to me.

I finally finished downloading the 2gig beta file (ugh) and Resistance 2's multiplayer is much better than the first game's.


IllegalPaladin said:
bbsin said:

R2 = COD

I would have to agree with that, at least in the terms that the second game's multiplayer has been reworked to be something awesome.

The multiplayer in the first game was an accelerated frag fest (as in all people moved faster and weapons had a higher rate of fire), it got pretty annoying to me.

I finally finished downloading the 2gig beta file (ugh) and Resistance 2's multiplayer is much better than the first game's.


Have you played around with the water yet.  Its like a water bed in the beta.


I had 3 friends come over tonight and take turns playing the beta together and had a decent time. Probably put about 8 hours in just tonight. With no other system to play this week I should get some real hands-on with it.

The co-op was tons of fun. I think every one of us had an awesome time with it. I don't know what I was really expecting with this mode but Insomniac did an awesome job and should be commended. The matches were long and I can see a lot of replayability in this mode. It seemed like a lot of people were communicating more in this co-op than I found in multiplayer.

The strict multiplayer I didn't really like much at all. It seemed too hectic and chaotic. Even with the squad system it seemed like a bunch of people just running around with no set objective or strategy. There was quite a bit of spawn killing or it seemed other times I would spawn clear across the map. No real rhyme or reason to it. Maybe getting more friends together in a squad would have made it more enjoyable but I really don't like this style of play. I spent most of the time on the big maps but I think I would prefer the smaller 10 & 20 player maps. Either way I'm not saying it's bad but so far it just doesn't seem like my cup of tea.

Other things I did like across both modes:
- EXP System
- Guns
- Lobby System
- Class upgrades

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