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there is split screen in the beta? Or are you talking about Resistance(not2)

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R2 (based on the beta) plays just like Halo 3. Fast paced, people absorb bullets, etc.

And I agree with makingmusic.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
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there is split screen in the beta? Or are you talking about Resistance(not2)


Split screen online play.  Pretty cool, but need a large TV obviously. 

I personally love the game. I don't think you've spent enough time with it to appreciate it.  Particularly your statement about the graphics.  I didnt't really notice them at first because it is usually pretty fast paced.  If you take some time to actually look, you will be impressed.  The reload animations are phenominal.  Even so, the graphics are dumbed down for the beta.  Noone would want to download 4 gigs of data. 

The Co-op and Skirmish modes are my favorite so far, and there are unlockable weapons and berserks along the way. 

The experience system is by far the best I've ever seen in any online game. 

Overall I like it, but I was a fan of the first online as well (not so much the story mode).

I absolutely love the BETA

the first RFOM was just a generic shooter

This is more matured and more fun

I think this is the BEST SHOOTER i ever played

I've raised the sensitivity up to 100% now, its improved alot but it still feels odd. I'm finding it hard to play the game the same way i played RFoM, so i switched up my play style, i'm playing it more like CoD4. More slower and tactical, its paying off.

I've been exploring the levels more and certain parts look really good, but other parts seem to be alot worse. Which some of you pointed out was due to file size and what not.

The sounds are still off, but this could be due to the file size too. People also die alot faster, so if you get attacked from behind its almost impossible to turn around and kill them in time or locate the shooter if he is a bit in the distance. I'm still going to buy it 100%, but i guess i just came in expecting something else.

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I hated the first one, but 2 looks really good, I hope I get a key or a rental in the near future.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

lwhatee said:
I absolutely love the BETA

the first RFOM was just a generic shooter

This is more matured and more fun

I think this is the BEST SHOOTER i ever played


 Are you certain you played R1 online?

Imo R1 was the best shooter I ever played "online", cod4, warhawk, and those other online games had nothing on it.


Griffin said:
I've raised the sensitivity up to 100% now, its improved alot but it still feels odd. I'm finding it hard to play the game the same way i played RFoM, so i switched up my play style, i'm playing it more like CoD4. More slower and tactical, its paying off.

I've been exploring the levels more and certain parts look really good, but other parts seem to be alot worse. Which some of you pointed out was due to file size and what not.

The sounds are still off, but this could be due to the file size too. People also die alot faster, so if you get attacked from behind its almost impossible to turn around and kill them in time or locate the shooter if he is a bit in the distance. I'm still going to buy it 100%, but i guess i just came in expecting something else.


Funny u mention that, most people that have played the beta (especially on gamefaqs) complain that it takes like a whole clip to kill somebody, while in R:FOM, one clip would be able to take out 2 people or so.


Well, when u attack somebody from behind, u should be able to kill them since they are very vulnerable. Both things go hand in hand.

I just played the co-op mode and it was so much fun. We had a nice mix of all players on our team, i was one of the medics and its gets so crazy jumping all over the place and healing all the guys while attacking so you can power up the gun. I now see why everybody is looking forward to left 4 dead.

SnakeEyez said:
Griffin said:
I've raised the sensitivity up to 100% now, its improved alot but it still feels odd. I'm finding it hard to play the game the same way i played RFoM, so i switched up my play style, i'm playing it more like CoD4. More slower and tactical, its paying off.

I've been exploring the levels more and certain parts look really good, but other parts seem to be alot worse. Which some of you pointed out was due to file size and what not.

The sounds are still off, but this could be due to the file size too. People also die alot faster, so if you get attacked from behind its almost impossible to turn around and kill them in time or locate the shooter if he is a bit in the distance. I'm still going to buy it 100%, but i guess i just came in expecting something else.


Funny u mention that, most people that have played the beta (especially on gamefaqs) complain that it takes like a whole clip to kill somebody, while in R:FOM, one clip would be able to take out 2 people or so.


Well, when u attack somebody from behind, u should be able to kill them since they are very vulnerable. Both things go hand in hand.

You can't really hold down the shoot button like RFoM, you need to aim down the sites and do short burst fire.  Maybe this is why they dump whole clips into guys.  The Co-op mode takes massive amounts of gun fire to kill people though.