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I was hoping the PSP would atleast hit second... oh well, it did well this week.

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goo. Wii sold more individually in both E/O and America than 360 or PS3 did in the entire world haha. Quite impressive if you ask me. All those slow weeks before where Nintendo was saving some will start to pay off in these coming weeks.

Dgc1808 said:
I was hoping the PSP would atleast hit second... oh well, it did well this week.


LOL you are owning DMJ and Darth

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360 still looking strong in teh states then....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Console sales numbers going up in NA, this is great. Another WW victory for 360 this week, great job. With LBP coming and Fable 2 numbers, the upcoming weeks numbers should be very interesting!

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Wow! What were Wii sales last week in America?


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Good to see the Wii doing even better than I expected in the US. I guess people depressed by the depression need video games to cheer themselves up!

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Hmm. The Xbox 360 is holding up its end of the sell 50% of the Wii each deal but it looks like Sony are being as lazy as a shoddy PS3 port.

Edit: Ahh the Wii infact did 400k! (im working off a 56k modem and I had the pictures set to not load. I just assumed that the 3rd 4th and 5th numbers were Wii Xbox 360 PS3 in that order. Furthermore im really sorry if I offended anyone, I was trying to be lighthearted and it came off the wrong way.


And as always, make fun not war.


Wow Wii beats Ds worldwide thats really good Wii will probaly do this holiday over 2 million in 1 week, 360 sales are good, Ps3 steady.


Barozi said:
Dgc1808 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
go go go PS3

360 only outsold it by 20K this week the gap is getting smaller n smaller WW


The gap is shrinking in deed. I don't epect PS3 sales to rise in the next set of results, but I expect the 360 sales to go down a bit more.

360 sales to drop at Fable 2 launch next week ????

That won't happen


Oh yea... I forgot about that game.

4 ≈ One