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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 crashed my 360 and now refuses to run

I´ve heard some people saying this problem started after they downloaded the patch you refer to.

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Just for reference, if the small scratches you said you have are curved, then the 360 its self is at fault. Also it helps to have the console horizontal as opposed to vertical.... to stop disc scuffing.

Plus, if the game is taxing or reads from the disc a lot then the heat generated from the console may cause laser burns. Prime examples of this are GTA (streaming constantly) and Gears (makes the console work hard = more heat).

Press_the_Button said:

Got my copy of Fable 2 today from GAME, quickly loaded it up and downloaded the patch. 2 hours into playing it and BAM! the game ground to a hault and crashed just as I was unlocking an achievement.

Now whenever I try to continue my game or even start a new game the game freezes on the title screen.

I even cleared the cache on my 360 and re-downloaded the patch but no joy.

So, now Fable 2 is unplayable for me.


Return the game to your Gamestop and get a new one. Fable 2 didn't fuck up your 360, it's just whats on the disc. The disc fucked your system up.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Press_the_Button said:

Got my copy of Fable 2 today from GAME, quickly loaded it up and downloaded the patch. 2 hours into playing it and BAM! the game ground to a hault and crashed just as I was unlocking an achievement.

Now whenever I try to continue my game or even start a new game the game freezes on the title screen.

I even cleared the cache on my 360 and re-downloaded the patch but no joy.

So, now Fable 2 is unplayable for me.


Return the game to your Gamestop and get a new one. Fable 2 didn't fuck up your 360, it's just whats on the disc. The disc fucked your system up.


He said he ordered it online, so he'd have to go via their internet site.  It's the same for both GAME and GameStation over here.  If in doubt I'd phone them up and ask tho.

muubam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Press_the_Button said:

Got my copy of Fable 2 today from GAME, quickly loaded it up and downloaded the patch. 2 hours into playing it and BAM! the game ground to a hault and crashed just as I was unlocking an achievement.

Now whenever I try to continue my game or even start a new game the game freezes on the title screen.

I even cleared the cache on my 360 and re-downloaded the patch but no joy.

So, now Fable 2 is unplayable for me.


Return the game to your Gamestop and get a new one. Fable 2 didn't fuck up your 360, it's just whats on the disc. The disc fucked your system up.


He said he ordered it online, so he'd have to go via their internet site.  It's the same for both GAME and GameStation over here.  If in doubt I'd phone them up and ask tho.


I feel bad for him then, because at Gamestop even if you order online it can be brought back for a new game if it's faulty. You have seven days to return the game before they only accept it for credit instead of cash.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
muubam said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Press_the_Button said:

Got my copy of Fable 2 today from GAME, quickly loaded it up and downloaded the patch. 2 hours into playing it and BAM! the game ground to a hault and crashed just as I was unlocking an achievement.

Now whenever I try to continue my game or even start a new game the game freezes on the title screen.

I even cleared the cache on my 360 and re-downloaded the patch but no joy.

So, now Fable 2 is unplayable for me.


Return the game to your Gamestop and get a new one. Fable 2 didn't fuck up your 360, it's just whats on the disc. The disc fucked your system up.


He said he ordered it online, so he'd have to go via their internet site.  It's the same for both GAME and GameStation over here.  If in doubt I'd phone them up and ask tho.


I feel bad for him then, because at Gamestop even if you order online it can be brought back for a new game if it's faulty. You have seven days to return the game before they only accept it for credit instead of cash.


Yeah it's rubbish, but it's justified because most things on the websites are so so much cheaper than buying them in store here.  Plus the tills still run on Windows 95 with DOS xD

Try playing with a cleared cache, don't update, dont logged on to XBL. Clear eveything and unplug your ethernet cable. Then start the game up.


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the other thing u can try is:
in the options screen turn off orbs and auto join and see if that works.. good luck to ya!

Bah, this game has glitches in every form. For me its the fact that the DLC for the Limited Edition is missing. Microsoft is "implementing" a plan to fix it on Oct. 28th, but honestly?


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I heard that Obama switched the discs in some of the cases with duds.