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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable 2 crashed my 360 and now refuses to run

if your system seems to be having issues with disks being scratched for no reason, you should yell at support until they agree to fix the system.

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i had this situation before on my wii and i just took the game to the store and they said "yer there was a bad batch of discs and a few people have returned them".

Hopefully its just a dodgy disk and you'll get to have a good session on it on sat.

this just happened to me last night.

If you experienced the freezing did you buy the limited edition version?

After this freezing happened for a 2nd time I took the disc out and noticed it had a ring.. a ring of smudge.. (NOT a ring of hair line scratch) I just used my thumb to give the disc a rub and then used a fine cloth to polish put the game disc back into the 360 and the game works again.

I think it might be caused by the way the discs are stacked and the 2nd disc produced a thin layer of chemical on the reading side of the main game disc after being quickly printed and packaged up.. That's my theory whether though it's right..... >.>

Strange thing is when both times the game froze no message appeared saying the disc is dirty.

Well the above solution worked for me hope it works for you guys.  If it's affecting those with just the normal edition of the game all I can suggest is see the the disc has smudges if not.. then its gotta be something else..

Mine froze up 3 times. Only with this game. I think it has bugs check this thread. I talk about it and there's a link of other people freezing.


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could be a problem with the patch - try clearing the cache and playing again without d/ling the patch yet?

Some (not all) users are reporting this it seems

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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piggychan said:

this just happened to me last night.

If you experienced the freezing did you buy the limited edition version?

After this freezing happened for a 2nd time I took the disc out and noticed it had a ring.. a ring of smudge.. (NOT a ring of hair line scratch) I just used my thumb to give the disc a rub and then used a fine cloth to polish put the game disc back into the 360 and the game works again.

I think it might be caused by the way the discs are stacked and the 2nd disc produced a thin layer of chemical on the reading side of the main game disc after being quickly printed and packaged up.. That's my theory whether though it's right..... >.>

Strange thing is when both times the game froze no message appeared saying the disc is dirty.

Well the above solution worked for me hope it works for you guys.  If it's affecting those with just the normal edition of the game all I can suggest is see the the disc has smudges if not.. then its gotta be something else..


I have the limted edition, but my game case is better than yours. *points and laughs*

My discs are scratch free and no smudges, but the game still froze. o_O It hasn't happened after those 3 times though. I think Spankey is right, the patch or cache could be the problem. I haven't cleared anything out yet, cuz I'm lazy. I'de rather press the power on and off before doing that, call me stubborn. haha


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

oo nice box there..


nah for me its not the patch I got my copy to work again.  The only other thing I can suggest is to try playing the game while offline..

every time i think about getting a 360 i read something like this. guess ill go for wii.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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radha said:
every time i think about getting a 360 i read something like this. guess ill go for wii.


I really don't think this is a 360 issue, its more than likely a Lionhead issue reading the comments at the Lionhead forums.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spankey said:
radha said:
every time i think about getting a 360 i read something like this. guess ill go for wii.


I really don't think this is a 360 issue, its more than likely a Lionhead issue reading the comments at the Lionhead forums.

The thing is there is no support for any of the consoles where i live, so i cant buy a 360 while the hardware or software make it unreliable. And i havent heard things like this for the Wii or PS3. Wii is looking like a good invesment but since is has few games that i want mainly the classic franchaises, mario,zelda, etc and i dont like wii-x games am waiting for a wii price cut (i know it sounds wierd).


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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