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Spankey said:
radha said:
every time i think about getting a 360 i read something like this. guess ill go for wii.


I really don't think this is a 360 issue, its more than likely a Lionhead issue reading the comments at the Lionhead forums.

The thing is there is no support for any of the consoles where i live, so i cant buy a 360 while the hardware or software make it unreliable. And i havent heard things like this for the Wii or PS3. Wii is looking like a good invesment but since is has few games that i want mainly the classic franchaises, mario,zelda, etc and i dont like wii-x games am waiting for a wii price cut (i know it sounds wierd).


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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