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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP is Sony's last chance to pull ahead

bardicverse said:
I don't expect LBP to be the game to really push the PS3. It will do well do the current user base, but it's not really a system seller. I could be wrong, but at the price tag the PS3 goes for, the economy as it is and LBP being an unknown IP, I can't see LBP pushing big PS3 system sales.

That said, I think there are more games in 2009 that will be bigger system pushers for Sony. I can't wait for January so people can finally stop talking about LBP. Its flooded this site for 6+ months now.


This so called looming global recession doesn't seem to have affected hardware sales by much.

Look in the sales growth across the board in sales over the last two weeks:

The Wii is selling at it's highest amount for 16 weeks, the 360 is generally back up to April sales levels, and the PS3 is back to where it was just after the last spike 6 weeks ago.

People are buying again

Back on topic - Saying LBP is SONY's last chance is like saying Wii Music is Nintendo's "make or break" title or Fable 2 Microsofts.

It's just stupid.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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LBP is not Sony's chance to outsell 360, single game wont change a thing, they need to think about the price, and games there offer first (at least their lineup is getting better and better). 360 has great library which could easily counter the LBP impact, and Sony wont steal casuals from the Wii.

Because Wii is trendy ,and has a lower price. Sony should be able to finish second but this will take some time.

@Paul Warren ,dude were you high while writing that prediction about PS3 passing the Wii in 2010? If so that's cool, cause i do some weird stuff when i'm high

Spankey said:
bardicverse said:
I don't expect LBP to be the game to really push the PS3. It will do well do the current user base, but it's not really a system seller. I could be wrong, but at the price tag the PS3 goes for, the economy as it is and LBP being an unknown IP, I can't see LBP pushing big PS3 system sales.

That said, I think there are more games in 2009 that will be bigger system pushers for Sony. I can't wait for January so people can finally stop talking about LBP. Its flooded this site for 6+ months now.


This so called looming global recession doesn't seem to have affected hardware sales by much.

Look in the sales growth across the board in sales over the last two weeks:

The Wii is selling at it's highest amount for 16 weeks, the 360 is generally back up to April sales levels, and the PS3 is back to where it was just after the last spike 6 weeks ago.

People are buying again

Back on topic - Saying LBP is SONY's last chance is like saying Wii Music is Nintendo's "make or break" title or Fable 2 Microsofts.

It's just stupid.

Let me clarify - casuals are not going to drop $400 on a system for one game, the hopeful crowd that people are clamoring for with LBP


bardicverse said:
Spankey said:
bardicverse said:
I don't expect LBP to be the game to really push the PS3. It will do well do the current user base, but it's not really a system seller. I could be wrong, but at the price tag the PS3 goes for, the economy as it is and LBP being an unknown IP, I can't see LBP pushing big PS3 system sales.

That said, I think there are more games in 2009 that will be bigger system pushers for Sony. I can't wait for January so people can finally stop talking about LBP. Its flooded this site for 6+ months now.


This so called looming global recession doesn't seem to have affected hardware sales by much.

Look in the sales growth across the board in sales over the last two weeks:

The Wii is selling at it's highest amount for 16 weeks, the 360 is generally back up to April sales levels, and the PS3 is back to where it was just after the last spike 6 weeks ago.

People are buying again

Back on topic - Saying LBP is SONY's last chance is like saying Wii Music is Nintendo's "make or break" title or Fable 2 Microsofts.

It's just stupid.

Let me clarify - casuals are not going to drop $400 on a system for one game, the hopeful crowd that people are clamoring for with LBP



you will be surprised, casuals are dropping 1800$ for a iphone.

250$+ Wii fit (sell around 100$) or Rock band 2 set or guitar hero 3 set

so its likely they will.

LBP will come and go, and nothing will have changed, stop spreading these "Make or break" ideas on games/price cuts.

Around the Network

*sighs * why do people keep missing the point? I'm wondering if it's deliberate, or if it's just months of having these types of arguments ingrained.


It's just not going to happen. There's no point in even discussing it. It's been harped on with every single upcoming release and it NEVER is any different. Some make 3 weeks of difference, some 5, some even manage a couple months, but they all drop right back down after the initial surge.

HOWEVER, when I mention Little Big Planet, I am NOT saying that it ALONE will RAISE the sale rate of PS3s in ANY LONGTERM BASIS. I never said or implied that. What I have intended to point out from the very beginning is that Little Big Planet is the TYPE of game that, provided that it does well, could INDICATE whether FURTHER "non-hardcore" games could ALSO be successful on that system.

If this can happen, and Sony can bring more of these "casual" games into its library, then PS3 could shed its image of just being another hardcore console that's more expensive, and be viewed as a console that can successfully do both hardcore AND casual games.
I think doing this would do 100x more for the PS3 than ANY single game, and even half a dozen "hardcore" games.

That's why I believe that the success of LBP will be THE indicator of whether PS3 can pull ahead of the 360.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Grey Acumen said:

So what do people think? Does LBP actually have a shot at making a last difference in sales? or is it just going to be the typical "sales go up for a couple weeks, then everythign goes back to normal"?

I think it coudl go either way, but if LBP DOESN'T make a lasting difference, then I do't think any other game in the future is going to do it, which will leave Sony is pretty much locked at 3rd place.

Maybe you should change your OP then?  Just sayin'.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

ultraslick said:
Maynard_Tool said:
Paul_Warren said:

"In order for the PS3 to pull even with the 360, let alone ahead, in the next 12 months, it would have to sell 14m copies, assuming the 360, even with its new price point, doesn't increase its sales. That'd be a 75% increase, which I think would be unheard of for any console this late in its life cycle."

The PS3's life cycle doesn't really even begin until Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 are released in Japan.

I thought the new-generation started when ps3 was launched....but then i though the ps3 would start when it was launch in europe...but then they changed it to summer last year, and then to X-mas last year....but then people said the ps3 domination would start with the launch of GTA....but then they changed it to MGS4..... then people dare to claim that the ps3 will ascend with LBP....and now, even without LBP being launch, you said the ps3 will actually start with FF and GT5....

Interesting....sounds like excuses with a mix of denial. Im tired of waiting for the ps3 to actually "start" its's life cycle. Its been almost 2 years, and people dare to say the ps3 hasnt started yet....damn. Is  just...ridiculous.

Do you not have the money to buy a PS3?

Because That is all I comprehend from your angry, angry hate post.



no, its just that i dont think is very smart to keep saying that the ps3 hasnt even started his cycle just becuase is not the #1 selling console. And yes, i do have the money.... im freaking paying flight school. Do you think i dont have 400 bucks???

A price cut will move more consoles that any game.Good thing for Sony is that the can have LBP and then a price cut .

^ good thing? Can the afford a price cut??? Isnt sony losing a lot of money already????