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Forums - Gaming Discussion - wich console will have the best Jrpg's

i know this has been asked many times but for me its still not very clear

ik hear many people say that the wii wil be eventually because the smaller company's have a better shot of higher sales than any other console and it's cheaper to make but xbox 360 delivers more and what will be coming for de ps3 what isnt official ?

any one any ideas  ?

i only know 1 thing it will eventually decide if i should buy a ps3 or x360 or not and 1 more thing do you guys think there is any chance that Tales of Vesperia will be coming to Wii someday because that would be fucking awesome xD


Ps: sorry if my english is bad :s

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If you care about Tales, bear in mind that Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World has yet to hit the West, and also consider that Namco Bandai has announced that their next Tales of game (a mothership title, aka main game) is coming to the Wii.

Judging the market right now, and the recent JRPG's announcements, Wii looks like it will be the RPG console at least in Japan.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

PS3 will have the best JRPG's: FF XIII Versus, FF XIII, Disagea 3, War Devil, White Knight Story, Valkyria Chronicles and many more quality JRPG's will be exclusive to PS3.

Espresso said:
PS3 will have the best JRPG's: FF XIII Versus, FF XIII, Disagea 3, War Devil, White Knight Story, Valkyria Chronicles and many more quality JRPG's will be exclusive to PS3.


^^ thiss

V-r0cK said:
Espresso said:
PS3 will have the best JRPG's: FF XIII Versus, FF XIII, Disagea 3, War Devil, White Knight Story, Valkyria Chronicles and many more quality JRPG's will be exclusive to PS3.


^^ thiss


I'll believe when I see.

I say the Wii will end up with the most.

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Three Sixty

I'm a filmmaker, writer, and gamer. Add me on Xbox Live or message me!

XBL Gamertag: StraitupBeastin

Most of those RPG's will get scores no better than the RPG's on the 360. The only one i'd give credit to that isn't FFXIII is probably White Knight and that is one a fine line as it is as demand for JRPG's is dropping.

eerily, sometimes it's easy to tell how many posts a certain op has just by the title of the thread.

OT: i think 360 is dominating the jrpg market. PS3 will be working on getting some more, but right now 360 controls.

theprof00 said:
eerily, sometimes it's easy to tell how many posts a certain op has just by the title of the thread.


Sockpuppets galore.

On the subject, 360! It also has the edge with wrpgs.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

The DS