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Forums - Sales Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 worldwide sales = 3,94 m

Griffin said:

The 3.94mil was for the end of June. It will be really interesting to see how many they shipped during the last Quarter.  If they shipped none then it appears are data is fine.  But if they shipped more, then our data looks like it may be wrong.  Since i doubt there are that many copies of the game at retail.


No, Konami did not report 3.94 million MGS4 units shipped by the end of June. That's simply wrong. The actual number was not given, but is likely closer to 3.3 million.

Konami reported 3.94 million copies of Metal Gear shipped last quarter, which everyone assumed meant "Metal Gear Solid 4." However, they went on to mention boosted sales of MGS2/3 as a result of MGS4, and said that MGS4 had "shipped over 3 million copies."


3.3 million is just an estimation, but if it were 3.75+, they almost certainly would have said, "nearly 4 million copies."">">

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Bodhesatva said:
Griffin said:

The 3.94mil was for the end of June. It will be really interesting to see how many they shipped during the last Quarter.  If they shipped none then it appears are data is fine.  But if they shipped more, then our data looks like it may be wrong.  Since i doubt there are that many copies of the game at retail.


No, Konami did not report 3.94 million MGS4 units shipped by the end of June. That's simply wrong. The actual number was not given, but is likely closer to 3.3 million.

Konami reported 3.94 million copies of Metal Gear shipped last quarter, which everyone assumed meant "Metal Gear Solid 4." However, they went on to mention boosted sales of MGS2/3 as a result of MGS4, and said that MGS4 had "shipped over 3 million copies."


3.3 million is just an estimation, but if it were 3.75+, they almost certainly would have said, "nearly 4 million copies."

I'm was just going by what it said in the article, "Konami lists Metal Gear Solid 4 sales for the quarter at 3.94 million".


Griffin said:
Bodhesatva said:
Griffin said:

The 3.94mil was for the end of June. It will be really interesting to see how many they shipped during the last Quarter.  If they shipped none then it appears are data is fine.  But if they shipped more, then our data looks like it may be wrong.  Since i doubt there are that many copies of the game at retail.


No, Konami did not report 3.94 million MGS4 units shipped by the end of June. That's simply wrong. The actual number was not given, but is likely closer to 3.3 million.

Konami reported 3.94 million copies of Metal Gear shipped last quarter, which everyone assumed meant "Metal Gear Solid 4." However, they went on to mention boosted sales of MGS2/3 as a result of MGS4, and said that MGS4 had "shipped over 3 million copies."


3.3 million is just an estimation, but if it were 3.75+, they almost certainly would have said, "nearly 4 million copies."

I'm was just going by what it said in the article, "Konami lists Metal Gear Solid 4 sales for the quarter at 3.94 million".



Yeah, I understand that; that's why I explained why you might be confused. I completely agree, it is confusing.


If you look at Konami's most recent FR, though, it's fairly clear. However, this does have an upside: if Konami's newest quarterly reports show, say, 4.1 million MGS4 shipped, that would look like a meager .15 million shipped by your measurement, but would be more like 600k-700k by mine.">">

This is june were it sold 3.94 M (or shipped) should be a much higher number now.



so the question now is:

did all METALGEARBOYS buy MGS4 and PS3?

Around the Network

Shipped 4 million way back in August, and VGChartz only lists 3.3 sold..... Is there really 700,000 sittings on shelves?

I doubt it.

@Bod~: No matter how hard you try, you will never get people to read a logical answer. VGC hates MGS4 it seems, right?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Username2324 said:
Shipped 4 million way back in August, and VGChartz only lists 3.3 sold..... Is there really 700,000 sittings on shelves?

I doubt it.


no one ever said the site was accurate anyway, its all estimates. software is hard to track and so is hardware but theres, NPD, media create and chart track for that.

GTAIV08 said:
Username2324 said:
Shipped 4 million way back in August, and VGChartz only lists 3.3 sold..... Is there really 700,000 sittings on shelves?

I doubt it.


no one ever said the site was accurate anyway, its all estimates. software is hard to track and so is hardware but theres, NPD, media create and chart track for that.

Well, VGChartz is likely to be within 10% of the truth, which is good enough in every way but for bragging rights. I mean, the game is going to get the correct number of sales in the end, so why care if it is at 3.3 or 3.55M right now?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

shipped vs sold + what bod says. there is no argument here

just because this is the ps3fanboy's favorite game doesn't mean it must be under tracked. Close the thread.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!