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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft is so cheap! They make you buy your own coffin now!!!!!!

So I was talking with my friend at school today and he said he got the rrod( he still had a launch console so he was lucky it lasted this long). He said the xbox customer support guy told him to buy his own box an packaging to send in his 360, and that he could print off the mailing sticker via the e-mail. The only reason Isee MS doing this is to speed up the process, but it still cost the customer more money!! Is MS really getting this cheap? Sorry if this has already been posted!!

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maybe you're cheap for not being able to afford a box or even keep the box that it came in

matt247 said:
maybe you're cheap for not being able to afford a box or even keep the box that it came in

I don't have a problem on buying a boxm, i have a problem with Microsoft continuing to try to avoid all costs of the rrod. btw using the box it came is raising the odds of it getting stolen.

that is extremely cheap! If my xbox red rings, i'll send it in, but if its something else i have to pay to fix, i'll give up and play my PS3 from now on

you can get free boxes from a number of grocery chains so that itself doesnt seem an issue...but what if you dont have a printer?

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I love my Xbox360 and Microsoft, I'll gladly pay for a box to send my a broken 360 to get fixed.


MrBubbles said:
you can get free boxes from a number of grocery chains so that itself doesnt seem an issue...but what if you dont have a printer?

exactly, there is a number of issus that could go wrong. Also where do you get the soft foam stuff to put in the box so the 360 doesn't get damaged even more?

What do you do if your PS3 breaks? Do they give you a box and foam? Is it free to repair?


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lol pbroy, whish my 360 ran as smoothly as my 360.

My Samsung receiver just died... I needed to pay for the box to ship it too them... oh noes Samsung is cheap too!

This is the way most RMA's work, deal with it.  Plus now you don't need to wait around for the box to arrive, instead you can just ship it off right away, thus making the whole process faster.