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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo DSi Presentation

Well..... it's more than just a camera I guess

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Wow, I'm impressed with the picture editing software, Nintendo took time programing that interface.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

umm was that part with the web browser an animated mario? does that mean the DSi might have a Flash player?

Feature wise this is more in line of what I want. Just have some good text editing software and I'm totally sold.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

The only I wish I have is a greater increase in screen size than they have made. Its barely noticable imo.  Other than that it seems to be a great upgrade from the DSL.

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It looks interesting and has some cool features. It hasn't been announced for the US, has it? I think it was supposed to be a while away, right?

I'll come up with something better eventually...

So it'll record video as well? Is that what we're getting from that? I don't think they've stated that before...

Also, by my research, they've only stated that the internal camera is .3 megapixel, which is typical of that sort of camera (phones like the HTC Kaiser have a 3.1megapixel rear camera and a .3 megapixel front one). This means that the external camera will very likely be a much higher resolution. This reasoning is further supported by the quality of the images in the demonstration.

In other news, videochatting is entirely possible. Third-party software will likely be required, but it's definitely a very reasonable possibility now.


Looks nice. I think it will appeal a lot more to the Japanese market than the American and European markets. It's really a reaction to the PSP in Japan.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Mmm i wonder if this is going to sell well =\

i wish they opped the resolution but oh well i already got my ds lite black cobalt