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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

the original statement is certainly debatable, but you arent serious about SOCOM are you? it rated terribly! you cant say "fanboys will buy it" to try and justify it as a strong game for the lineup. Thats like me saying something like carnival games gives the Wii a great line up because it will sell alright. there are probably 50 or more games that will come out in the next 2 months that will rate better.






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


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thejuicingamer said:

no doubt about it the huge exclusives will definitly help this winter, just to refresh everyones mind

1. LBP- doesn't get any HUGER than this

2. Resistance 2- Story and Multiplayer look much improved and it now has a fanbase

3. Motorstorm 2- Amazing gameplay, Insane graphics,

4. Socom Confrontation- reviews don't matter for this game, hardcore fans still bought it

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,

thats fine, I have both systems and the only game i will be thinking about picking up on 360 is gears since it is played on mlg and i want to see how gears 2 handles other than that I will be picking up all the PS3 games I listed,

assuming hardcore fan = fanboy, might as well give up arguing the point i suppose






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


CGI-Quality said:
Onyxmeth said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Onyx

It's my way of not wasting anymore of my keyboard on you. It's useless with people who type just to try to prove... what? What is it? That you attack people because of your own personal insecurites... yeah that's not my problem so I will be moving on now; I care not to argue POINTLESSLY with you so just let it go.

This is attacking to you? Getting quoted and responded to in healthy debate? Seriously, grow a tougher skin hypocrite. As I recall, it wasn't Onyxmeth that entered this thread accusing everybody of being trolls.


 Accusing EVERBODY of being trolls? lol Uuuh like I said before it's useless arguing with you, you ALWAYS think you are right, you're KNOWN for derailing threads (as you have here), and I find it interesting that you are so passionate about arguing on the internet so much. Why not try going outside and getting some fresh air, read a book, eat a cookie, make some phone SOMETHING. As far as attacking people I attacked no one. Telling people to quit trolling, AS U OFTEN TROLL, is not attacking anyone. But look where this has gotten me - NO WHERE. Just give it up obviously you can't change my mind as I can't change yours, nor do I really care to, so like I said: GIVE IT UP. Back on topic, yes I stand by the OP that Sony has the strongest holiday line-up. Little BIG Planet should appeal to the casuals (and mostly EVERYONE else), Motorstorm should appeal to it's fans and then some, Socom and Resistance 2 should feed the shooter crowd (with them both also catering to their respective crowds), Naruto and Valkyria will help the RPG and Naruto fighting fans along - for an ALL in ALL healthy holiday line-up for PS3.


You do have a knack for blowing everything out of proportion. Look at your wall of text and know that it was all because you didn't want to show me the decency to respond to a reply I gave you. I'm pretty sure I've always shown you the courtesy of a direct response to whatever you quote me on, not a dismissal like you've done here.

You can accuse me of attacking, trolling, flaming, bird watching, changing a tire or cooking a delicious ravioli dish, but it all stems from a very simple thing about you. You have an issue with people that disagree with you. You came in here and accused "haters" of trolling against Sony because you didn't want to hear the anti-Sony views. You then dismiss me because you don't want to hear my disagreement with your viewpoint on what this topic was about. If you would respond to me instead of talking down to me, you may not feel so "attacked". Here i'll drop the whole thing, start fresh and we'll be best buddies. Just give me a respectable response to my original reply to you. I'll repost it.

You may as well quit with the trolling allegations because I haven't seen any and you haven't reported any.

This is a thread and in a thread lies a discussion. We should always be able to have multiple points of view. So if this is a Sony-only thread, what would the other half of the discussion be? What are the two sides of the discussion?

1. I agree. Sony has the best lineup.

2. ???? (You need to put something in here)

Do note the following line from the OP:

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,

Yeah, that wasn't inviting to add other consoles into the mix. What were we all thinking? This is obviously only about Sony in the Sony-only vacuum.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Fanboy1: my opinion is right!
Fanboy2: nuhuh noob, yours games suck
Fanboy1: whatever homo
Fanboy3: here's my opinion, it's obviously right
Mesoteto: LBP will be huge!
Fanboy4: I'm right, Gamerankings says so
Fanboy2: Well if Gamerankings says that then it also says this!
Fanboy5: Gamerankings sucks, use metacritic!
Fanboy6: XBox live is a waste of money!
Fanboy1: lol true, I'm glad I'm turning this place in Gamespot forums
Fanboy3: I think Fanboy2 is right
Fanboy7: Your opinion sucks, here's my list and it's right.

and so on.

twesterm said:
Fanboy1: my opinion is right!
Fanboy2: nuhuh noob, yours games suck
Fanboy1: whatever homo
Fanboy3: here's my opinion, it's obviously right
Mesoteto: LBP will be huge!
Fanboy4: I'm right, Gamerankings says so
Fanboy2: Well if Gamerankings says that then it also says this!
Fanboy5: Gamerankings sucks, use metacritic!
Fanboy6: XBox live is a waste of money!
Fanboy1: lol true, I'm glad I'm turning this place in Gamespot forums
Fanboy3: I think Fanboy2 is right
Fanboy7: Your opinion sucks, here's my list and it's right.

and so on.

HA! The bolded is me. It's nice to know Fanboy 3 agrees with me.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Does onyx have some contractual obligation to say something every 2 posts ?

Legend11 said:
thejuicingamer said:

no doubt about it the huge exclusives will definitly help this winter, just to refresh everyones mind

1. LBP- doesn't get any HUGER than this

2. Resistance 2- Story and Multiplayer look much improved and it now has a fanbase

3. Motorstorm 2- Amazing gameplay, Insane graphics,

4. Socom Confrontation- reviews don't matter for this game, hardcore fans still bought it

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,


1. Gears of War 2 - doesn't get any HUGER than this

2. Fable 2 - Having another Western RPG is nice since the genre isn't very crowded

3. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - It's cool that MS is trying to fill out the 360's software library

4. Left 4 Dead - Will be another great game that will get very good reviews

5. The Last Remnant - Who could have imagined there would be so many JRPGs on 360?

6. Tomb Raider Underworld: Beneath the Ashes - Get the full Tomb Raider Underworld experience on 360

7. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - PS3 version has been put on "hold" so enjoy this 360 console exclusive

8. Fallout 3 exclusive DLC - Why not get the full experience?

9. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - I know it was released in September but it's still pretty new

10. Scene it? Box Office Smash - How can people still call the 360 just a shooter box? buzz anyone?

11. Naruto: The Broken Bond - Is it true that the PS3's Naruto game has no online fighting? LOL... is it true that the 360 version looks like utter shit. I mean its like they're trying to animate the manga, yes the animations are that stiff

12. Lips - Another game to help fill out the 360's library singstar is just the same

13. Legendary - Play it first on 360... Notice a familiar trend?

14. You're in the Movies - Become a scream queen, zombie, or kung-fu fighter... Another non-FPS for the 360 yes indeed the game looks fantastic

15. GTAIV Episode 1 - I saved this for last but if it comes out this year it'll be huge...

Add in all the multiplats (Mirror's Edge, Endwar, Guitar Hero: World Tour, etc) and you have a pretty good lineup for the system. I'd say it's at least as good as PS3's...



kingofwale said:
didn't Socom get good review? I'm confused. Server problem shouldn't really change much, Didn't Halo 3 had about a few weeks of server problem as well?

Not really.

ToastyJaguar said:
i think 360 has the better lineup this holiday season but LBP and R2 are going to be very strong games for PS3.

Those are strong games but the top 360 titles will still sell more units.

Yeah, Motorstorm 2 and Socom confrontation are really cleaning house in the reviews section................. NOT..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gears 2, Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead alone are enough to outshine the ps3's line up

Sure, LBP is getting good reviews, But i give it 6 weeks after release before people are bored out of thier minds with it......... Heed my words

Even i can acknowledge that the ps3's line up is good............ But the 360's line up is just simply better.............. Bottom line________________

And no one here can be accused of been a troll simply because the thread is titled "Sony has the strongest line up" Therefore anyone who disagrees has a divine right to comment on this............. Especially if they do not agree that the ps3 has the stronger line up.