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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:


You know full well that when someone says Sony has the strongest lineup this holiday season they are saying better than the 360, because the Wii stands alone. So basically you're agreeing with him that Bioshock is in the lineup then. Awesome, now I can take you both on. I still say Bioshock doesn't count because the 360 already has it. :)


I never said my feelings on that one way or another, but I'm leaning towards it counting. I refuse to let my preferences determine my opinions. That said, imo, for me, Motostorm and Socom might as well not exist, lol.


Motorstorm wont sell as well as it did when it was bundled, but it still is a high rated PS3 exclusive title. Socom on the other hand well LOL. Fayewong added Bioshock to the exclusives lineup list he made and not the multiplatform. This is it:



1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour"

Get my point? He put a multiplatform game in the exclusives list to make the PS3 section look hotter and more desirable.

Its so dumb, if I include it to the multiplatform list, you think they will be re-releasing it to the 360 this season? No. What difference does it make? What you trying to prove? Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Let me repeat so you don't miss what I said again. Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive"

I made the Multiplatform list because they are coming out around the same time and are not just coming out on one system but many. Some including the Wii, not just 360 and PS3. I didn't see you complain about The Last Remnant when I put it on there under 360. You just felt cheated when I put Bioshock on the Playstations's list. God, its so tiring arguing with someone who wants to prove something he doesn't know what he's talking about.


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Paul_Warren said:

Yeah, but who has $2000.00 every six months to go out and buy a new PC that runs all the PC games at their highest possible settings? I guess now that the 360 is losing it bigger than Corbin ( I have to admit I was expecting higher than the now anticipated 85 Metacritic score for Gears 2), you guys are trying to put down the PS3 by comparing it to PCs. The Golden Age of PC games was over 15 years ago, there is no originality in PC gaming just shooters, flight sims, and mmo's that are all strive to copy each other and the same old properties. Surely the world has had enough of The Lord of the Rings and Star Trek. Really, the only interesting game on that entire list to me is A Vampyre's Story.


 Its someone who obviously doesn't tolerate.

A. FPS < 60

B. Resolution under 1920/1080

C. MSAA < 4x

D. The PS3

Some people have high standards... and the PS3 would have never satisfied someone like that at any point in its lifecycle.

But luckily there are few of those people who actually exist. Nice strawman btw.



fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:


Motorstorm wont sell as well as it did when it was bundled, but it still is a high rated PS3 exclusive title. Socom on the other hand well LOL. Fayewong added Bioshock to the exclusives lineup list he made and not the multiplatform. This is it:



1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour"

Get my point? He put a multiplatform game in the exclusives list to make the PS3 section look hotter and more desirable.

Its so dumb, if I include it to the multiplatform list, you think they will be re-releasing it to the 360 this season? No. What difference does it make? What you trying to prove? Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Let me repeat so you don't miss what I said again. Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive"

I made the Multiplatform list because they are coming out around the same time and are not just coming out on one system but many. Some including the Wii, not just 360 and PS3. I didn't see you complain about The Last Remnant when I put it on there under 360. You just felt cheated when I put Bioshock on the Playstations's list. God, its so tiring arguing with someone who wants to prove something he doesn't know what he's talking about.


Bioshock on the PS3 has been released. Its no longer in the lineup so its in the exact same boat as the Xbox 360 version. Another thing, the difference between TLR and Bioshock is that on the launch date for TLR you cannot purchase it on the PS3.

If this list is for a masturbation contest for people who already own the console, fine.



ok then. since Bioshock already came out, it does not count. Neither does Fable 2 anymore since it is out too. Check and check.

fayewong said:
ok then. since Bioshock already came out, it does not count. Neither does Fable 2 anymore since it is out too. Check and check.

Could call it the holiday library? ^^



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fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:


You know full well that when someone says Sony has the strongest lineup this holiday season they are saying better than the 360, because the Wii stands alone. So basically you're agreeing with him that Bioshock is in the lineup then. Awesome, now I can take you both on. I still say Bioshock doesn't count because the 360 already has it. :)


I never said my feelings on that one way or another, but I'm leaning towards it counting. I refuse to let my preferences determine my opinions. That said, imo, for me, Motostorm and Socom might as well not exist, lol.


Motorstorm wont sell as well as it did when it was bundled, but it still is a high rated PS3 exclusive title. Socom on the other hand well LOL. Fayewong added Bioshock to the exclusives lineup list he made and not the multiplatform. This is it:



1. LittleBigplanet

2. Resistance 2

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation

5. Valkyria Chronicles

6. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

8. White Knight Chronicles  (Japan)


Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2

2. Gears of War 2

3.  Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive)

5. Left 4 Dead



1. Mirror's Edge

2. Call of Duty: World at War

3. Prince of Persia

4. Guitar Hero: World Tour"

Get my point? He put a multiplatform game in the exclusives list to make the PS3 section look hotter and more desirable.

Its so dumb, if I include it to the multiplatform list, you think they will be re-releasing it to the 360 this season?

No, but they it's multiplatform, so leave it be. I would've thought myself that Bioshock 2 wouldn't come out so soon because of Sony, but 2k doesn't seem to give a shit that it came out too late on the PS3. Bioshock 2 is having a dual release anyway, instead of giving Bioshock any room to breathe on the PS3.

No. What difference does it make? What you trying to prove? Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Let me repeat so you don't miss what I said again. Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive" Thats why I stated its not "exclusive"

It's not now that it will make it's appearance (Finally), you can add it as multiplatform. I mean as I said, when GTA3 came to the Xbox 4 years later that the PS2 it made it's an appearance as a late multiplatform game.

I made the Multiplatform list because they are coming out around the same time and are not just one system but many. Some including the Wii, not just 360 and PS3. I didn't see you complain about The Last Remnant when I put it on there under 360. You just felt cheated when I put Bioshock on the Playstations's list. God, its so tiring arguing with someone who wants to prove something he doesn't know what he's talking about.

I didn't even notice The Last Remnant. That should go in the multiplatform section. It's not like i'm going to buy it anyway.



Kantor said:

Why do all 360 owners love this with no basis whatsoever? For all we know it could turn into Army of Four.


Because of who develops it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Also, this topic is opinion based. IMO, I wouldn't nearly consider trading the lineup for my 360 for the lineup for my Playstation 3, or my PC. So, to me, 360 has a better lineup...and who the hell else really matters, right?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
shio said:
Paul_Warren said:

Yeah, but who has $2000.00 every six months to go out and buy a new PC that runs all the PC games at their highest possible settings? I guess now that the 360 is losing it bigger than Corbin ( I have to admit I was expecting higher than the now anticipated 85 Metacritic score for Gears 2), you guys are trying to put down the PS3 by comparing it to PCs.

This post is so much BS.

There aren't $2000 PCs being sold anymore since PCs have drastically dropped on price. For just $500 you can get a full-fledged gaming PC that will play games far better than either Xbox 360 or PS3. And since PC games are much cheaper (you will save on average $20 on each game) by the end of the cycle you would've saved enough to make PC gaming cheaper than PS360 gaming.


Paul_Warren said:

The Golden Age of PC games was over 15 years ago, there is no originality in PC gaming just shooters, flight sims, and mmo's that are all strive to copy each other and the same old properties. Surely the world has had enough of The Lord of the Rings and Star Trek. Really, the only interesting game on that entire list to me is A Vampyre's Story.

It's funny, in the 19 PC listed only 8 were Shooter/Flight Sim/MMO, not even the majority.

Then I looked at S.T.A.G.E.'s PS360 list and out of 13 games he listed 9 were Shooter/RPG, nearly all of them !!! So tell me which lineup is more varied?


The hottest games this year are Shooter/RPGs. Thats quite obvious. Do you know the reason? Because alot of FPS fans who used to play solely on PC are playing on consoles now along with console owners.

There are over 260 millions PC gamers, and will increase to an estimated 350 millions in the next 4 years. There are far more PC gamers than console gamers.

It's funny you saying that consoles' hottest games this holiday are Shooters or RPGs, because PC has an amazing lineup of those in the holiday:

PC Shooters:
Battlefield Heroes
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Left 4 Dead
Quake Live
Zeno Clash

Aion: The Tower of Eternity
The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

You can't win this argument.

shio said:

There are over 260 millions PC gamers, and will increase to an estimated 350 millions in the next 4 years. There are far more PC gamers than console gamers.

It's funny you saying that consoles' hottest games this holiday are Shooters or RPGs, because PC has an amazing lineup of those in the holiday:

PC Shooters:
Battlefield Heroes
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Left 4 Dead
Quake Live
Zeno Clash

Aion: The Tower of Eternity
The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

You can't win this argument.


Nope, lol, he doesn't have the strength to take you on, and I don't care to....I do however, wish you wouldn't pull statistics out of thin air...cite your sources.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.