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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

Kantor said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
Kantor said:
Onyxmeth said:
kingofwale said:

Both GTAIV and MGS4 got high reviews... so, I don't seem to get your argument.

Somehow you are mistaken this with "defeat to the 360"... again, if this argument has anything OTHER than to talk about the games you listed and whether they actually deserve to be listed here... let me know now.

To say how DS has superior software just because it sold a bunch of hardware is absolutely wrong. I don't think anybody is here to dispute that.

They didn't both get high reviews. Grand Theft Auto IV got BETTER reviews. That was my point. If you're going to use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge quality then do note that Gamerankings says Advance Wars: Dual Strike is better than Uncharted.There is always going to be something Gamerankings averages that you will not agree with. So why are you using them as a reference point?

My second point about the 360 is that I originally told Bobo, from where you quoted me, that my next list would be the 360's. You stepped in so I'm talking to you as if you are continuing his argument. If you use Gamerankings as a measuring stick to judge 80% and up games, the PS3 will not stand up to the 360. I suppose what I should ask you is, do you believe the 360 has the best Holiday lineup? If you don't then why are you using Gamerankings to prove your point with, because all signs on Gamerakings point to 360 having the best lineup.

I didn't say the DS had superior software. You laughed at the list I put up, basically dismissing a lot of quality games. I pointed out that it's a bit ridiculous to laugh at the software of an 80 million selling platform and chalking it up to bad games when platforms that sell that much always have good software. Give me another 80 million selling platform that didn't have killer support. I'll give you a hint on where to start, try under the Sony category.


Using metacritic, which imo is more reliable than Gamerankings,

DS- 3 games 90+

PS1- 30 games 90+

PS2- 62 games 90+

GameBoy Advance- 14 games 90+

Noticing a pattern?


Yeah I'm noticing the pattern that Metacritic has only been polling data for four years and everything before that is incomplete and sketchy at best. Or did you not notice that magazine reviews, which were more common than internet reviews back then don't happen to be represented with most games from the GBA and PSOne.


The fact remains that the DS was released well into metacritic's lifespan and Mario Kart DS's metascore was based on 64 reviews. The PS2 was launched around metacritic's release date, and still has all of these AAA titles.

Just look at AAA games in the 7th Gen:

X360: 16 (I know 360 has the best games, but it's been out for an extra year)

PS3: 7

Wii: 7

DS: 3

PSP: 1

Therefore, of the consoles that are being discussed (PS3, X360 and DS) the DS has the worst lineup of games currently available.

Also, have some creativity. Resistance 1.5 AND MotorStorm 1.5?

Halo clone springs to mind (don't worry, I don't think it is)



MS isn't doing anything Sony didn't do by coming out a year earlier than the competition. Sony did that with the PS2 and no one complained at all did they. I know I didn't when I bought my PS2.

I'm not complaining. I'm stating the reason why it has better games- because it has more games.


Thats the problem because more doesn't mean better.


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What ever happened to Naruto: UNS, Valkyria Chronicles, and White knight Chronicles?

jerseyboy609 said:
What ever happened to Naruto: UNS, Valkyria Chronicles, and White knight Chronicles?


Valkyria wont be AAA and neither will Naruto on either system. White Knight Chronicles is only up in the air for AAA because Sony fanboys are hailing it to be their exclusive savior over FF.

They do have the stonrgest lineup, yes. Add Valkyria Chronicles. NOW!!!


Sony was supposed to have the biggest lineup this holiday, however most of the big games got moved to 2009. As far I am concern, Gears of War 2 is the biggest game this Holiday season plus all the wii games. As much as i hope LBP and Resistance will be big, Sony has fallen short on their promises. Wait till next year, I guess.

 Next Gen 

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Videogirl said:

PS3/360 exclusives video comparison :

(PS3) Valkyria Chronicles :

(PS3) Socom Confrontation :

(PS3) Motorstorm Pacific Rift :

(PS3) Resistance 2 :
(360) Gears of War 2 :

(PS3) LittleBigPlanet :
(360) Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts :

(PS3) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm :
(360) Broken Bond :

(360) Fable 2 :

(360) Left 4 Dead :

(360) LIPS :

really good comparison list but why didnt you include SingStar or place VC under Fable 2 since they are both RPGs??

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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psrock said:
Sony was supposed to have the biggest lineup this holiday, however most of the big games got moved to 2009. As far I am concern, Gears of War 2 is the biggest game this Holiday season plus all the wii games. As much as i hope LBP and Resistance will be big, Sony has fallen short on their promises. Wait till next year, I guess.


I agree that I thought 2008 was going to be Sony's year. All the more even though it was disappointing at it's peak hype, but still better than last year i'm still buying a PS3. Lets see what we've got for next year shall we?


2009 list of hot exclusive titles for Xbox 360


Halo Wars (AAA)

Halo 3: Recon (AAA)

Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Exclusive until PS3 version is announced)

Alan Wake (AAA)

Banjo Tooie

Blue Dragon 2

Mass Effect 2 (AAA)

N3:Ninety-Nine Nights II

Splinter Cell: Conviction (AAA)


2009 List of hot PS3 titles


InFamous (AAA)


The Agency


Fat Princess

Ratchet & Clank: Future (sequel) AAA

Eye Pet: Your Virtual Pet

DC Universe Online

FFXIII: Versus (AAA)


Gran Turismo 5 (AAA)

Heavy Rain


Next year should be interesting. Lets see what becomes of it.

Meh, none of those games spark my interest.

SlipperyMooseCakes said:
I think the 360 has a stronger line up for November:

-Gears of War 2
-Banjo-Kazooie 3
-Left 4 Dead
-The Last Remnant

Not to mention it is getting all those big multi-plat games.


I am agree sony has a strong line up this year but the 360 has just as strong the big thing is there are a ton of PS3/360 titles also this is going to be the best christmas video game wise ina while

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

S.T.A.G.E. said:
psrock said:
Sony was supposed to have the biggest lineup this holiday, however most of the big games got moved to 2009. As far I am concern, Gears of War 2 is the biggest game this Holiday season plus all the wii games. As much as i hope LBP and Resistance will be big, Sony has fallen short on their promises. Wait till next year, I guess.


I agree that I thought 2008 was going to be Sony's year. All the more even though it was disappointing at it's peak hype, but still better than last year i'm still buying a PS3. Lets see what we've got for next year shall we?


2009 list of hot exclusive titles for Xbox 360


Halo Wars (AAA)

Halo 3: Recon (AAA)

Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Exclusive until PS3 version is announced)

Alan Wake (AAA)

Banjo Tooie

Blue Dragon 2

Mass Effect 2 (AAA)

N3:Ninety-Nine Nights II

Splinter Cell: Conviction (AAA) wouldnt be to sure about that


2009 List of hot PS3 titles


InFamous (AAA)


The Agency


Fat Princess

Ratchet & Clank: Future (sequel) AAA

Eye Pet: Your Virtual Pet this is far from hot

DC Universe Online

FFXIII: Versus (AAA)

FFXIII: (unlikely to come out in 09 in Us and others. Meaning it will be a timed exclusive for ps3)


Gran Turismo 5 (AAA) 09? perhaps or 2010

Heavy Rain(judging by previews, AAA. ALthough it is not certain.)

god of war 3

Next year should be interesting. Lets see what becomes of it.