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Forums - Sony Discussion - Versus XIII in game scan

Hyams said:

Weren't these meant to be in game?

those are ingame... they look just as metal gear solid 4 do.

better scans, and camera angles did the trick here.

there are higher quality scans of those screens i will post here to proof they are ingame, where you can see some of the texture work in it.

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The pics I posted may well be CGI, but all the ones you've posted are definately all in-game.

I'm not trying to argue that the ones I posted are in game.

Soriku said:
Uh...those pics posted by Hyams are CGI.

Well if you don't believe me, in the scan I posted there is a CGI screen on the bottom right and just compare that to the in game pics (or you can use one of the CGI pics posted). Look at Stella's hair in the CGI pic and look how detailed that is and compare that to the in game scan which has less detail. Those aren't in game, leo-j.


 Uh.. soriku why dont you compare the CGI from the first VERSUS screens to the IN GAME screens? Then talk?

Why is it so hard for you to understand that the game looks that detailed? The ps3 can do that, its not suprising at all..



Soriku said:

OK dude, if Noctis doesn't work with you, try Stella. Compare that CGI pic to Stella's in game pic.


Btw, with Stella in the CGI pics her hair is more wavy and shinier while the in game is more flat.




i'm not saying u r wrong or right - i hope u r right- but u sound so confidit about it based on A CRAPPY SCAN?

lol let's drop this , time will tell my friend :)



and here they are!.

please look at it full screen they are ingame footage of versus posted on ign? see the texture? they are no CGI.

soriku its time to EAT CROW :D

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@jo : this is CGI and the ones in op are CGI IMO


blackstar said:
@jo : this is CGI and the ones in op are CGI IMO



CGI you can't see edges or textures so easily everything its smooth in the process since FFX times.


hell square CGI doesn't look as bad since FF8 times



this IS square CGI.

@JO: man if u r right then the graphics are WOW :D

blackstar said:
@JO: man if u r right then the graphics are WOW :D


i am pretty sure i am thats why i am excited nomura is the shit :)!


some textures need work like the jacket he is wearing... but it looks awesome i think Metal gear solid 4 have more polish but thats its already released.

Soriku said:

lol. What do you think I've been doing this whole time? leo-j we don't want you to play ^_^


That FF XIII CGI pic looks exactly like the Versus CGI pics. It's just Versus is too dark to tell properly. The Versus pic you just posted looks in game, yeah I'll agree, but we weren't even using that pic. We were arguing about the 3 pics Hyams posted which are clearly CGI. So...why would I need to eat crow? ^_^

I just hope we get Versus pics with an actual LIGHT place instead of some dark place.


they are from the same part of the game, they are in GAME cutscenes, the thing is with the quality of the scans the details are lost.

square CGI doesn't look that bad anymore, all the scans show here are ingame. cutscenes but ingame.

even so mgs4 looks better than this but of course thats a finished game, this is preproduction.


to make it worse for you soriku i got the source just for you.


the ones from august 26 are IN GAME, and the others are CGI, there is HUGE difference in quality.