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Forums - Sony Discussion - Versus XIII in game scan


Dude.. those screens came from square themselves, those are the IN ENGINE cutscenes, is it so hard to believe the game looks that good?

You people really understimate the PS3 and 360 hardware wise.. believe it or not MGS4' character models are fairly close to those visuals.


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graphics art style overall design are better due nomura being also a director <3


The picture in the bottom right has the same level of graphics as the other pics in the magazine scan. Compare Noctis' hair to the topmost picture on the left page and you can see his hair looks every bit as detailed.

Soriku said:
Uh...those pics posted by Hyams are CGI.

Well if you don't believe me, in the scan I posted there is a CGI screen on the bottom right and just compare that to the in game pics (or you can use one of the CGI pics posted). Look at Stella's hair in the CGI pic and look how detailed that is and compare that to the in game scan which has less detail. Those aren't in game, leo-j.


what about the upper one on the left page??? her hair looks great while his deosn't

the scan are blurry -look at the writings- the details are lost


What is this?



Take my love, take my land..

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another reason why those images are not the same quality as the trailer is NOCTIS SUIT
IN THE trailer he wears a baggy suit which doesn't take the body shape

Soriku said:

Of course they look great. But they aren't as detailed. Hyams posted CGI, this scan is in game save for the bottom right pic. /end


The character model isn't as detailed.


hmmmm hymas posted a big photos that our eyes can  tell they are cgi , the crappy scans have small photos that does look great

i just wanted a solid proof that this is in game photos so we are gonna have to wait


I honestly don't see the greater detail you're talking about. All I see is a better picture, which can easily be contributed to camera angle and image size.

I mean, look at his hair. It's identical in both pictures. Now, compare with the pictures I linked too - Noctis' hair looks like it's more detailed. The pics I posted may well be CGI, but all the ones you've posted are definately all in-game.

this in game footage loooks better than FF13

maybe the style, but overall versus looks more graphically impressive.

it looks MGS4 character models with a better hair, and all in game :)

nomuraaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhh

Yeah those being in-game screens aren't exactly a big achievement, considering the first screen (blonde girl, left page far left side) looks like crap... and doesn't look anything like the other supposed in-game graphics, so I'd assume that those are the proper ingame graphics (whilst still pretty, is nothing to brag about, especially from a company that prides itself at it's graphical prowess).

Still can't wait for this game.