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Forums - General Discussion - So there's fungus under my left thumbnail...

Should have gone with the Vodka. It's also an amazing painkiller.

Over in Madrid a bunch of us got completely smashed and as we were walking towards the club I stepped in some hole in the road and it hurt for a little but it "went away." Spent the next 4 hours dancing and since it wasn't time for the Metro to open we walked back a total of 3 miles. During all this I don't even feel the foot. I wake up in the morning with excruciating pain in my ankle and my foot never stopped hurting until I came back 4 weeks later (unless we were drinking of course).

If you are still reading, my point is that alcohol is a great pain reliever. It also puts you to sleep like no other.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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So it was still hurting like crap yesterday and all this morning, the discoloration area was getting bigger, a new color was added, the hypocodeine was doing absolutely nothing to me, and my thumb roughly doubled in size.

That had me pretty worried so this morning I made an appointment with a doctor (a DO instead of an MD even). I get there and he immediately recognizes it wasn't a fungus, just bacteria and puss. Lots of it.

The puss was really really deep and a lot under the fingernail so it wasn't draining. He tried to numb my thumb and that wasn't working too well. He had to numb the pussy area directly and the area under the finger nail.

Holy fucking shit I thought I was in pain before but this was so much more than that.

After that, there was about an hour of him very painfully draining puss.

After that, he gave me a different kind of antibacterial medicine so I'm taking two now, threw out the fungal cream, and got a new more powerful painkiller that actually works.

So just got finished with giving my hand an Epsom salt bath and for the first time in a good while more or less pain free. I might even try to play a game tonight.

glad to hear you're doing better twesterm.

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

Ur like the kid off a troll in central park!

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

twesterm said:

So it was still hurting like crap yesterday and all this morning, the discoloration area was getting bigger, a new color was added, the hypocodeine was doing absolutely nothing to me, and my thumb roughly doubled in size.

That had me pretty worried so this morning I made an appointment with a doctor (a DO instead of an MD even). I get there and he immediately recognizes it wasn't a fungus, just bacteria and puss. Lots of it.

The puss was really really deep and a lot under the fingernail so it wasn't draining. He tried to numb my thumb and that wasn't working too well. He had to numb the pussy area directly and the area under the finger nail.

Holy fucking shit I thought I was in pain before but this was so much more than that.

After that, there was about an hour of him very painfully draining puss.

After that, he gave me a different kind of antibacterial medicine so I'm taking two now, threw out the fungal cream, and got a new more powerful painkiller that actually works.

So just got finished with giving my hand an Epsom salt bath and for the first time in a good while more or less pain free. I might even try to play a game tonight.

Have these doctors never heard of anesthetics?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Sorry but you lost me at "numb the pussy area"... yeah I´m childish I know... but that part made me laugh... but its good your finally getting better... you don´t want one of them big toe to thumb transplants... those are just wrong...




Doesnt look too bad from the picture. Come on, man up!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

@twesterm: Did you take any pictures of your new double-sized thumb before the doctor had a look at it? If you did, I would like to see them. I hope that doesn't sound creepy.

gurok said:
@twesterm: Did you take any pictures of your new double-sized thumb before the doctor had a look at it? If you did, I would like to see them. I hope that doesn't sound creepy.


No pictures of it pre-milking, though when I looked at it this morning it just looked like one big bruise and then it was all white after cleaning it.  >_>

NJ5 said:
twesterm said:

So it was still hurting like crap yesterday and all this morning, the discoloration area was getting bigger, a new color was added, the hypocodeine was doing absolutely nothing to me, and my thumb roughly doubled in size.

That had me pretty worried so this morning I made an appointment with a doctor (a DO instead of an MD even). I get there and he immediately recognizes it wasn't a fungus, just bacteria and puss. Lots of it.

The puss was really really deep and a lot under the fingernail so it wasn't draining. He tried to numb my thumb and that wasn't working too well. He had to numb the pussy area directly and the area under the finger nail.

Holy fucking shit I thought I was in pain before but this was so much more than that.

After that, there was about an hour of him very painfully draining puss.

After that, he gave me a different kind of antibacterial medicine so I'm taking two now, threw out the fungal cream, and got a new more powerful painkiller that actually works.

So just got finished with giving my hand an Epsom salt bath and for the first time in a good while more or less pain free. I might even try to play a game tonight.

Have these doctors never heard of anesthetics?



Yup, but they were having troubles doing a digitcal anesthetic (whatever that is) on the side of my thumb that was the problem because he couldn't find the vein.  He had to do a local for each hole he poked to drain the puss out of and each of those hurt so much more than the draining of the puss (which still hurt).