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twesterm said:

So it was still hurting like crap yesterday and all this morning, the discoloration area was getting bigger, a new color was added, the hypocodeine was doing absolutely nothing to me, and my thumb roughly doubled in size.

That had me pretty worried so this morning I made an appointment with a doctor (a DO instead of an MD even). I get there and he immediately recognizes it wasn't a fungus, just bacteria and puss. Lots of it.

The puss was really really deep and a lot under the fingernail so it wasn't draining. He tried to numb my thumb and that wasn't working too well. He had to numb the pussy area directly and the area under the finger nail.

Holy fucking shit I thought I was in pain before but this was so much more than that.

After that, there was about an hour of him very painfully draining puss.

After that, he gave me a different kind of antibacterial medicine so I'm taking two now, threw out the fungal cream, and got a new more powerful painkiller that actually works.

So just got finished with giving my hand an Epsom salt bath and for the first time in a good while more or less pain free. I might even try to play a game tonight.

Have these doctors never heard of anesthetics?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957