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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 ending leaked (Spoilers!!!!!!!!)

Munkeh111 said:
Munkeh111 said:
I'm going to carefully side step this, as many places have said that there is actually a storyline this time

With GeoW act 5, they did not really explain to me what was going on (GEOW 1 SPOILERS AHEAD) now I am guessing they had the lightmass bomb from the beginning and so they just need us to find the locations of the tunnels to guide the bomb. Now the question is, why did they not explain why I was at the train station, and how had the locust got control of the bomb? (or was it a locust weapon.... though it had that blue tinge that CoG weapons tend to have)


 wasn't it specially designed to destroy the tunnels? so meaning it would be cog weapon

That is what I thought, which is why I could not understand why I was having to fight to take control of it. How crap are the CoG that delta squad (though mostly me and Dom) are the only ones capable of doing anything, and you would have thought they might have assinged quite a large force to defending their one hope



 It's been so long since i've played the game I cant remember what you are even talking about...

Well I stoppe during chapter 4 (I got a bit stuck) and then came back a few months later. My problem was that at the start of chapter 5 there was no introdcution as to why I was there at all


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Munkeh111 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Munkeh111 said:
I'm going to carefully side step this, as many places have said that there is actually a storyline this time

With GeoW act 5, they did not really explain to me what was going on (GEOW 1 SPOILERS AHEAD) now I am guessing they had the lightmass bomb from the beginning and so they just need us to find the locations of the tunnels to guide the bomb. Now the question is, why did they not explain why I was at the train station, and how had the locust got control of the bomb? (or was it a locust weapon.... though it had that blue tinge that CoG weapons tend to have)


 wasn't it specially designed to destroy the tunnels? so meaning it would be cog weapon

That is what I thought, which is why I could not understand why I was having to fight to take control of it. How crap are the CoG that delta squad (though mostly me and Dom) are the only ones capable of doing anything, and you would have thought they might have assinged quite a large force to defending their one hope



 It's been so long since i've played the game I cant remember what you are even talking about...

Well I stoppe during chapter 4 (I got a bit stuck) and then came back a few months later. My problem was that at the start of chapter 5 there was no introdcution as to why I was there at all


It was during chapter 4, whilst you were actually playing. You were told about the bomb plan. Thats why you end up at the station. I think because you broke the flow of the game you kinda missed or forgot about it.


selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Munkeh111 said:
I'm going to carefully side step this, as many places have said that there is actually a storyline this time

With GeoW act 5, they did not really explain to me what was going on (GEOW 1 SPOILERS AHEAD) now I am guessing they had the lightmass bomb from the beginning and so they just need us to find the locations of the tunnels to guide the bomb. Now the question is, why did they not explain why I was at the train station, and how had the locust got control of the bomb? (or was it a locust weapon.... though it had that blue tinge that CoG weapons tend to have)


 wasn't it specially designed to destroy the tunnels? so meaning it would be cog weapon

That is what I thought, which is why I could not understand why I was having to fight to take control of it. How crap are the CoG that delta squad (though mostly me and Dom) are the only ones capable of doing anything, and you would have thought they might have assinged quite a large force to defending their one hope



 It's been so long since i've played the game I cant remember what you are even talking about...

Well I stoppe during chapter 4 (I got a bit stuck) and then came back a few months later. My problem was that at the start of chapter 5 there was no introdcution as to why I was there at all


It was during chapter 4, whilst you were actually playing. You were told about the bomb plan. Thats why you end up at the station. I think because you broke the flow of the game you kinda missed or forgot about it.


Okay that would make sense


So why did the baddies get a hold of it?

I guess it is because the CoG basically seemed to suck apart from Marcus and co..... I hope they make the CoG actually look like a decent force in 2, and I think they have, as they aim to make the game more epic, and even the revealing gameplay trailer showed a more epic encounter

Around the Network
Munkeh111 said:
I guess it is because the CoG basically seemed to suck apart from Marcus and co..... I hope they make the CoG actually look like a decent force in 2, and I think they have, as they aim to make the game more epic, and even the revealing gameplay trailer showed a more epic encounter

Dude I know you dont want to watch the first 10 mins in the other thread. But there is loads more soldiers and choppers and humans with a purpose for war. The opening makes it feel far larger than the first. Makes you feel your fighting for a cause.


selnor said:
Munkeh111 said:
I guess it is because the CoG basically seemed to suck apart from Marcus and co..... I hope they make the CoG actually look like a decent force in 2, and I think they have, as they aim to make the game more epic, and even the revealing gameplay trailer showed a more epic encounter

Dude I know you dont want to watch the first 10 mins in the other thread. But there is loads more soldiers and choppers and humans with a purpose for war. The opening makes it feel far larger than the first. Makes you feel your fighting for a cause.


Excellent, I really need to get round to pre-ordereing this. I did really like the opening game, but there was not really a sense of saving the planet, as I first of all I felt that nobody else really cared, and secondly, it did feel as though it had already been lost, but I am sure the second will address these concerns


All you PS3 fanboys swarming this thread:

Do realise the endings to FF6, FF7, God of War, Uncharted (god forbid if you thought that had a great narrative), MGS1, 2, 3 and 4, Bioshock, Half Life, ICO and all those other games people rate as having awesome stories, would have looked like crap if you hadn't invested time into finding out how they got to that point.

I'm not necessarily putting Gears 2 among them, but you can't say it's crap without going through the 10+ hour (ball park figure) rollcoaster ride to get to that point.

@People complaining about length (i think it was just DTG):
Just because Kojima needs it, doesn't mean other developers need 10 minutes just to say "SNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEE" to make a point in a brilliant fashion.


markers said:


 What the hell is that suppose to mean? I have a friend that calls me that  everytime he comes over.