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All you PS3 fanboys swarming this thread:

Do realise the endings to FF6, FF7, God of War, Uncharted (god forbid if you thought that had a great narrative), MGS1, 2, 3 and 4, Bioshock, Half Life, ICO and all those other games people rate as having awesome stories, would have looked like crap if you hadn't invested time into finding out how they got to that point.

I'm not necessarily putting Gears 2 among them, but you can't say it's crap without going through the 10+ hour (ball park figure) rollcoaster ride to get to that point.

@People complaining about length (i think it was just DTG):
Just because Kojima needs it, doesn't mean other developers need 10 minutes just to say "SNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEE" to make a point in a brilliant fashion.