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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 best seller in Spain!!!

stovo said:
Dont know why rest of the world think differently, but with big games for all ages coming soon, I think it has a chance to take over.


I'm sure you can figure out why. It's not that hard. You just have to realize that everyone has got different tastes.

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kowenicki said:
stovo said:
Dont know why rest of the world think differently, but with big games for all ages coming soon, I think it has a chance to take over.



I fear for my country... I really do.

Still.. so long as Spain is cool.


I hear you.

the English language seems to be going the way of the Dreamcast.

Anyway, we'll see how this PS3 leading trend continues. This time next year I expect the Wii to be leading the PS3 in sales there by quite a margin.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spain rocks... Spain FTW!!!!

the English language seems to be going the way of the Dreamcast.

Too bad that the average English person usually sucks in English too :-/

@ kowenicki:
I'm not saying it's not part of the reason, but many of the times that the PS3 does well somewhere, the immediate answer is "well, they're brand loyal".

Apparently "I prefer a PS3" or "I believe the PS3 has more to offer" are never right, but "Brand loyalty" is always the right answer...

UK love 360, people there realise the power and potential of the 360 as high value entertaiment system.

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As I've said:

I'm not saying that brand loyalty isn't part of the puzzle, but many people automatically go "BRAND LOYALTY" without even looking at the bigger picture.

That would be the same as going "UK people just do what the Americans do, no wonder the xbox has taken off there", which is not the entire answer either.

kowenicki said:
A very arrogant and misguided question.. you should ask yourself why PS3 is winning in Spain and nowhere else.

simple... very very very materialistic nation. Image is absolutely everything. So brand loyalty is strong and PlayStation has that. see... easy.



Because it sounds so much better to you doesn't it??

4 ≈ One

ahcheng said:

Im a fanboy that loves myself and especially my console!!! i always give great responses. Never underestimate the 360!
UK love 360, people there realise the power and potential of the 360 as high value entertaiment system.



all your posts are jsut ridiculous i mean, last month you said that PS3 has shit graphics

Haha, dumbest thread today.

I always thought spanish were wise people.

They will know Helgan belongs to Helghasts