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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - First tomb raider Wii screens looks decent so far...

FOr some reason i think the PS2 will exist as long as video games exist! It will never die!

The game looks good enough i think. Nothing all that impressive, but it gets the job done. The art style and envoronments look great though. I want to get this game, but should i get Anniversary first? Ive never played a Tomb Raider game, so i should probably pick up Anniversary for Wii, its only $30 at Amazon anyway. Is it a good game?

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needs more AA.


Is that the PSP game or the WII game? WTF?



When I see games like the Conduit, SMG, and Mushroom Men, I know the wii can do better than this, this is too blocky, saw some scans of this game in a magazine and was surprised at the lack of good graphics. Hopefully it'll play at 60 FPS cuz if it doesn't it'll just be another lazy port. (I am willing to give on the graphics if it enhances gameplay)

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

Thanks Rolstoppable. Graphics dont really bother me (as long as i can tell whats going on), the controls are where its at. Ive read mixed reviews. Some say that the IR aiming isnt very good, and others say its the best part of the Wii version. So thanks for the real gamer view on the game.

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^traitor !!!!!!