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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CLOUD MESSAGE : A way to announce THE FF7 remake ?

Munkeh111 said:
I have learnt not to get excited about anything square enix do

It's probably for the best.

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There will be no FF7 remake. Square-Enix cannot make one that would satisfy the fanboys, who would BAWWWWW about any changes made to the game but would also BAWWWWW if no changes were made at all. Square-Enix knows this, and is smart enough to figure out that the only winning move is not to play. Thus, no remake.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Xen said:
See you in 2013, with PS4 and Xbox whatever.


Or, and God help them if they go this route unless they announce their intentions before the launch of the console, the Wii's successor.

No point in getting Hyped....

And I think if there is ever a remake of FF7-9 they will go to the psp... just a thought.

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