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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can't get my PS3 and 360 to go online

So recently I haven't been able to get my PS3 and 360 to go online, they haven't been able to find an IP address.  They both use to go online just fine but not now they can't.

Through some fluke I got my 360 to get online last night by Restoring the factory defaults and then setting it up again but that isn't working tonight.

I've tried getting them to connect with both of them on and with only one on at a time.  On my router page I do have something taking up an IP address that is a static IP and not DHCP, does that matter?  I have no idea how to get rid of whatever it is.

Around the Network

If they were working fine before and are acting up now, trying power cycling your router and your modem.

What kind of router do you have? I think you should have DHCP on so that the router automatically assigns an IP to any device that connects to it, rather than setting it manually through each device connecting to your network.

Hmm, it's only when I have my 360 on that my router network page says I have something on that thinks it has a static IP address. Is there any way to get rid of or change that?

I'm using Verizon FioS if that helps. I would search through google some more but I hurt my thumb and it's killing me to type at the moment (and play games ;_;).

As far as I know everything on the 360 is set to automatic.

Have you tried resetting your router?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
Have you tried resetting your router?


That did it!

Around the Network

Glad to be of service =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

^Kylie that could be your wireless router overheating, mine does it too, I'm looking into getting a new one.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

That's pretty odd, seems like you got a defective router, or you're dling/uploading and doing too much stuff with it in general. Some routers crap out if it goes over a certain bandwidth.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Ok. If you restored 360 to factory default that means it is set to automatic, which also means that is looking for a DHCP server.
If your router doesn't have DHCP server started then your 360 cannot communicate with your router.
The same applies to PS3.
You can do two things: either start DHCP server on your router, which is probably the easiest, for which you just have to enable it and make sure there is a range of IP numbers set (like to, or manually assign IP's (as well as Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS) to your consoles.

The second one is a bit more complicated but it gives you more flexibility when you have to configure your router's firewall as you can assign the ports that are open on a specific IP number!

Subnet mask is usually (or, the gateway is none other than your router's IP number (usually and for DNSs they should be provided by your internet provider, but you can use free DNSs by looking up in google!