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Ok. If you restored 360 to factory default that means it is set to automatic, which also means that is looking for a DHCP server.
If your router doesn't have DHCP server started then your 360 cannot communicate with your router.
The same applies to PS3.
You can do two things: either start DHCP server on your router, which is probably the easiest, for which you just have to enable it and make sure there is a range of IP numbers set (like to, or manually assign IP's (as well as Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS) to your consoles.

The second one is a bit more complicated but it gives you more flexibility when you have to configure your router's firewall as you can assign the ports that are open on a specific IP number!

Subnet mask is usually (or, the gateway is none other than your router's IP number (usually and for DNSs they should be provided by your internet provider, but you can use free DNSs by looking up in google!