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Forums - Sony Discussion - OMG look at this MGS4 themed PS3!

I know that usually a certain percent of the winnings go to charity with this guy. He has done some amazing mods in the past; SMG Wii, Metroid Wii, Zelda Wii, Zelda DS, GOW PSP. Check out his site...things have really sky rocketed for this guy and his now modding company.

Read about him to, I haven't been paying attention to his site as much as I used to because of its infrequent updates, but this used to just be a little side project for him, but then companys like Rockstar approached him for a Rockstar Wii and Kevin Smith approached him for a Clerks Wii. Just amazing.

Currently playing: Okami (Wii), The World Ends With You (DS), and Shenmue (Dreamcast)

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Presently up to $17,000 and the second highest bidder - with a bid equal to the current highest bid (??) is a legitimate bidder.


pretty cool! does anyone know of any other ps3's like this 1

OMG 17,000 dollars OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Still awesome though.






Around the Network

17 000? holy crap




the last bidder seems fake.

if i was a millionaire i would of bought it.
actually, as the bids are going- i think i might need to be a billionaire! lol.





Max King of the Wild said:
the last bidder seems fake.


Yes, but the runner up - with an identical bid of $17,000 - is genuine.



Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.