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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: We ran into blank screen in Far cry 2 on Xbox360

X_X What should I do? I have pre ordered and in around 10 hours I get the game.....The problem is that I need to get it otherwise I don't get the extra missions, A compas, artbook etc;..=/;

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konnichiwa said:
X_X What should I do? I have pre ordered and in around 10 hours I get the game.....The problem is that I need to get it otherwise I don't get the extra missions, A compas, artbook etc;..=/;

Huh? I think this is probably mountainous molehill territory if you're talking about the Xbox 360 version. Since most reviews haven't mentioned it and the few user reviews haven't mentioned it, its probably not a big deal.



konnichiwa said:
X_X What should I do? I have pre ordered and in around 10 hours I get the game.....The problem is that I need to get it otherwise I don't get the extra missions, A compas, artbook etc;..=/;

ik heb echt nergens last van, bij mij doet hij het perfect, maar ik heb het pas 4 uurtjes gespeeld dus miss ben ik niet zo betrouwbaar, maar in die vier uur heb ik bijna aleen maar rondgecrossed zodat ik al zoveel mogelijk van de omgeving kon zien (en ik heb natuurlijk alles afgefikt).


SleepWaking said:
konnichiwa said:
X_X What should I do? I have pre ordered and in around 10 hours I get the game.....The problem is that I need to get it otherwise I don't get the extra missions, A compas, artbook etc;..=/;

ik heb echt nergens last van, bij mij doet hij het perfect, maar ik heb het pas 4 uurtjes gespeeld dus miss ben ik niet zo betrouwbaar, maar in die vier uur heb ik bijna aleen maar rondgecrossed zodat ik al zoveel mogelijk van de omgeving kon zien (en ik heb natuurlijk alles afgefikt).


Dude I have real nowhere charge of, at me it does he perfectly, but I it therefore miss 4 uurtjes have just played are I not this way reliable, but in that four hours have I almost aleen but rondgecrossed so that I could see already as much as possible of the surroundings (and I have of course everything afgefikt).
Edit: Babelfish proves that Dutch isn't a real language. Just gibberish!




SleepWaking said:
konnichiwa said:
X_X What should I do? I have pre ordered and in around 10 hours I get the game.....The problem is that I need to get it otherwise I don't get the extra missions, A compas, artbook etc;..=/;

ik heb echt nergens last van, bij mij doet hij het perfect, maar ik heb het pas 4 uurtjes gespeeld dus miss ben ik niet zo betrouwbaar, maar in die vier uur heb ik bijna aleen maar rondgecrossed zodat ik al zoveel mogelijk van de omgeving kon zien (en ik heb natuurlijk alles afgefikt).



 Bedankt :).

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This is where my 120g Elite HD will come in handy. Hopefully a full install of the game would remedy this issue, if it is found concrete. I am really looking forward to seeing what type of performance improvements a full install lends to a game and others with (possible) running issues, when the new Live patch hits. November needs to get here faster!

Squilliam said:
Euphoria14 said:

You referring to the optional 360 install? If this is a loading issue, which is seems to be, I think the install would solve the issue.

Don't take my word for it though, it just seems to make sense. IGN said after a few seconds it would load in.



What do you think? Massive loading choke? I mean instead of popping in bits and pieces it does the whole lot at once.


That is what it sounds like. The optional install should fix it. I guess we will know in about a month right?


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Both console games have heaps of technical issues according to most reviews, which the PC version doesn't share (it also has better visuals in general in every way ranging from lighting to textures). This is what happens when you try to port a very big game down from PC.

naznatips said:
Both console games have heaps of technical issues according to most reviews, which the PC version doesn't share (it also has better visuals in general in every way ranging from lighting to textures). This is what happens when you try to port a very big game down from PC.

The game will have problems on a computer too if your specs are not up to par.  100's of objects pooping in all over the place and lighting problems.  If IGN or GT do a review for the PC version you will see tons of problems.

Griffin said:
naznatips said:
Both console games have heaps of technical issues according to most reviews, which the PC version doesn't share (it also has better visuals in general in every way ranging from lighting to textures). This is what happens when you try to port a very big game down from PC.

The game will have problems on a computer too if your specs are not up to par.  100's of objects pooping in all over the place and lighting problems.  If IGN or GT do a review for the PC version you will see tons of problems.


I disagree, Nazna is right, I'm not buying this game anymore. I'd have to delete Indigo Prophecy to install it on my HD, so screw that.

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I don't need your console war.