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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: We ran into blank screen in Far cry 2 on Xbox360

d21lewis said:
*returns for gloves*

Thanks man!

*leaves again*


*throws the glove on the ground and runs away*




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Krill said:
Krill said:

As someone else on this thread has already stated, there is a PS3 review of the game up on the internet.  Yet you choose to highlight a problem reported about the 360 version.  So, either you're trolling or you don't know how to use the internet, and I know it's not the latter.


Uh.. how is bringing a major flaw in one of the version of a game to light trolling.


I'm not even going try to explain to you.  If you don't see it at the start, NOBODY is going to convince you otherwise (and that isn't a compliment):


well obviously the mod doesn't think this is trolling because he was already in here. and already responding to the topic. But you are just talking out of your ass dude so whatever. Oh and what does that link have anything to prove? Just that people like ROL put words in peoples mouths. The has nothing to do with your flaimbait/trolling here. So if you want to take that up do it in pm's ok bub?


But your pm to me was so much more eloquent.  For that reason, I thought I had to share: 

hey dumb fuck

go cry somewhere else ok. You are such a tool. Learn what trolling means. If he was really trolling the mod who supports the 360 would have said something about. Go take the dick out of your ass already or just get off this site loser.

I hope that your username is aspirational.  Keep striving and you will reach maturity, some day.

Wow... someone is edgy.

I don't see the big deal. IGN says they ran into black screen. Some people think we should just ignore the fact.

To each their own.

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Bugs and chairs throwing should be kept secret, ferballmersake!

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Ah yes more bashing of the 360 version because clearly since the system lacks BluRay and The Cell it must be inferior....


OP just wait for a couple more 360 reviews, read them, see if they have the same issue and if not don't worry about it.

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^Nobody said that. People need to relax.

This was said by IGN, not the forum members here.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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I ran into things totally disappearing on screen with The Force Unleashed also. It's called quality control, most of these games these don't have enough

*Just putting this out there since we're being pleasant and all*

I heard the PS3 version ran @ 25 FPS vs 30 FPS for the Xbox 360 version.

*Unconfirmed rumor*

I hope not though!

Also any confirmation *2nd opinion* of the Xbox 360 loading screen? If confirmation, any word that an install would fix this issue?


That sucks hope it's fix.

Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.