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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The J man has to know....who has a hacked psp? who doesnt?

The J man ,in his infinite power, shall tally up who has either a cool psp ( hacked) or an uncool psp (not hacked)

The J man has a cool psp (obviously) and if you have an uncool psp let the J man tell you that he is ashamed of you and either you coolify it or chuck it out the window

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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i've never really been part of the cool crowd.

You'll have to pry my uncool PSP from my cold dead hands.

I have a cool PSP but I havent touched it at all in about a year... might sell it soon... I guess tha makes me uncool again...




Dogs Rule said:
You'll have to pry my uncool PSP from my cold dead hands.


 pft u insult the J man. The J man could do that while fixing up the world

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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I know piracy isn't the only reason to "hack" a PSP, but that is definitely the main reason for probably about 90% of the people who do it. So if you are implying that people who don't pirate PSP games have "uncool" psp's and encouraging them to make their psp cool for one of these reasons then I would have to say that you are the one who should be ashamed. Now if it is for another reason then please specify and not be vague, but I can't help to assume that it is mostly piracy. As for me I have an "uncool" PSP, but have plenty of friends who have "cool" ones.


Uncool FTW


sc94597 said:
I know piracy isn't the only reason to "hack" a PSP, but that is definitely the main reason for probably about 90% of the people who do it. So if you are implying that people who don't pirate PSP games have "uncool" psp's and encouraging them to make their psp cool for one of these reasons then I would have to say that you are the one who should be ashamed. Now if it is for another reason then please specify and not be vague, but I can't help to assume that it is mostly piracy. As for me I have an "uncool" PSP, but have plenty of friends who have "cool" ones.


 The J man calls it uncool because you cant run useful apps or emulators on the psp. The J man does not condone piracy on the psp thats why he doesnt do it but the j man encourages people to hack their psp because they are unlocked to more possiblilties on their psp

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

I haven't since my friend lost my psp I might get another one though.

Mine is cool, and I havent played it in about 2 years.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling