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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii will not make 50% marketshare this year :(

I just checked to see how likely a drop in YOY sales is, and it didn't happen in the 3rd year for any of the consoles last gen. However, GC did show a drop in its 4th holiday YOY sales.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

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Groucho said:
makingmusic476 said:
bardicverse said:
Groucho said:

I don't think the Wii will ever hit 50%, honestly. I kinda think it'll cap out around 48.5%, and then slide a little as the HD consoles continue to pick up steam, in relative terms. Blu-Ray is a bigger deal than most think -- and not because of the consumer (its the retailers and publishers who want to switch -- they will shove it down the consumer's throat with BD pricecuts and shelf space), and those 360 price cuts are going to hurt the Wii this holiday season in America, I'm sorry to say. $199 looks a lot better than $249 when you're buying little Billy a present during a serious economic recession.


Beyond your opinion, there's nothing to back up your claims. The Wii keeps outpacing the HD consoles combined by a strong amount, making the gap wider, not smaller. Blu Ray has already been questioned in terms of necessity and longetivity as the market is still a miniscule number overall. The 360 cuts didnt affect Wii sales for the past month+ that they have been in effect, so the holiday season won't be any different.

Last I understood, the XB360 Arcade does not come with a game, so with a $50 game, we're talking about the same price. The Wii already comes with a game. Of course, then add on the fact that the Wii is the hot item to be had, and that kinda kills your point here.

If you can prove to me with actual numbers and trends, I'll concede your point. You will be hard pressed to provide that data, though.


The Arcade now somes with Sega Superstars Tennis.

But even so, I don't think the $199 price point will do much for the 360. It's not just a matter of price, but rather the matter of what people actually want. They WANT the Wii, and they will continue to get that over a 360 despite the price difference.

That's just it... holiday sales aren't about what the buyer wants for themselves. Last year the Wii was the cheapest, so it was no contest. This year... not the same story. The recession in the US will exaggerate this phenominon, as well.


You're right, the holidays are about what other people, especially kids want, from their parents. THe demand is for the Wii, not a gimped version of the 360. Most people still wanting a 360 want the top version, not a version that's going to be crippled. The recession has not hit the game market, and it likely will not. The industry has a fine shield around it, and it will be all about demand. If you dont believe me, let's discuss sales results come January.

Its not a matter of cheapest console selling. The GameCube was cheaper than the PS2, but which system sold more?



I highly doubt that it will make it this year. And while it may reach 50% market share eventually I think there are a number of factors which will test the wii's domination. I believe the main one will be when blu ray starts becoming more mainstream and the ps3 is at mass market price. If the wii is still dominating at that point then I think it should get at least 60% market share.



End of next year Wii will reach 50% market share.

^^^^ While there can be challenges to the Wii's dominance, Blu Ray is not a factor. The market for Blu Ray has outright halted its growth due to the lackluster economy. There have been several reports questioning if Blu Ray will ever be a threat to standard dvds before digital distribution takes over. What needs to happen is PS3s to start selling for $300, and for complete 360s (not the gimped arcade version) to start selling at the same price as the Wii. Until then, the Wii is going to come out with larger and larger sales gaps.

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It's obvious that it's mathematically impossible for the Wii to reach 50% within this year. How is it going to outsell the competition by 3.94 mill. consoles in the space of these weeks? March next year is more likely.

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If Nintendo has been stock piling... It should be able to move 1 MIL units for last week in November and all but the last week in December. That's 5 MIL. Plus add a MIL prior to releasing the flood gates...

Not likely... as it would also mean that the competition does poorly, but not mathematically impossible.

jlauro said:
If Nintendo has been stock piling... It should be able to move 1 MIL units for last week in November and all but the last week in December. That's 5 MIL. Plus add a MIL prior to releasing the flood gates...

Not likely... as it would also mean that the competition does poorly, but not mathematically impossible.

Yes.. that's right.  Nintendo has been planning to sell 1 million units/week in the latter half of the quarter to the hungry masses.  They are geniouses, don't forget.


Next year, they actually plan to sell 1 million units per week... all year long...  they will hit 100M Wiis by early 2010!


Considering they were doing 650,000 to over 1.4mil during the same time last year per week, and plan to have at least 50% more available, it might be a little more likely then I was thinknig earlier.  It really depends more on how well or little the competition sells...

That said, they will not be able to maintain those numbers long after December, and they are unlikely to increase production again.

Remember last year they were not really able to stock pile much and even stated they they would not have enough units to meet demand. This year they have increased production and only slightly increased shipments, and as far as I know made no claims to expect shortages this holiday season.

Funny thing is; I've been ridiculed all year for my predictions (and rightly so in many cases, don't get me wrong) but I'll be a lot closer than John "The Prophet" Lucas which everyone mindlessly dotes on and not a single soul will call him on it (or the countless other predictions of his that failed/will fail).
I'm not really that upset that you guys hate my guts (go ahead, I won't cry), it just seems kinda comical!