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Forums - General Discussion - I'm 21 today :-)

Yes that's right, the colonel has reached the age of 21. I can now come over to the States and drink

Happy birthday to me!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Or you can stay in the UK and drink higher quality alcohol.

Anyways, get anything nice, anything you don't need, and would be willing to send to members of the VGC community...

hmmm seems me you and dmj share the same birthday

Stop stealing my Birthday!

happy birthday all of u ^__^

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Happy birthday! I'll make sure to have a drink in your honour. =D

^^I already did. Happy Birthday, 21 is a big one, at least it should be!

Happy birthday Colonelstubbs. DMJ, Baddman and Stubbsy share the same birthday.

Happy Birthday, Hope you enjoy your "Present" ;)

Sweet! Enjoy your 21st birthday! Stay away from the cheap stuff though. Some nice high quality liquor will do you some good :D