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Forums - Sales Discussion - I've been paying atention to console sales predictions......come on people!

my favourite is that the PS3 will sell 22-23-24 million by the new year !! ....WTF do you realy think its going to sell 6-7 million copies in the period of 2 months !! GET REAL PEOPLE . unless a miracle were to happen the PS3 is not going to sell half of what it did in its life cycle in just 2 months.

The Wii suprised me once . although i highly doubt it will sell 5 to 7 million more copies ,as many of you predict its life time sales to reach 38-40 million by january

Wow im astonished at how humble the Xbox 360 sales predictions are , 23-24 million ! dont get me wrong im not being harsh or putting the 360 down ,im just saying  they are the most reasonable.


PS3  (F)

Wii (C)

XBOX360  (A-)

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Last year PS3 sold over 4 million consoles between October 14th 2007 and January 6th 2008.

That was a period when the system had zero AAA exclusives and had HD-DVD still competing with Blu-ray.

Expect PS3 to sell at least 5 million more by 2009.

Even so you're looking at just over 20 million... and add in the problems everyone is having and you're looking at a possible lower sell through than last year... I think at best they'll match last year... perhaps a bit less.

Cueil said:
Even so you're looking at just over 20 million... and add in the problems everyone is having and you're looking at a possible lower sell through than last year... I think at best they'll match last year... perhaps a bit less.


I'm not too sure about that.

I think that maybe governments are going to start offering incentives for people to start buying more to jumpstart the economies (like the US did with their cash-back bonus earlier this year) so i think there'l  be some surprising sales coming up in the next few months.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Seihyouken said:
Last year PS3 sold over 4 million consoles between October 14th 2007 and January 6th 2008.

That was a period when the system had A 100$ PRICE CUT, zero AAA exclusives and had HD-DVD still competing with Blu-ray.

Expect PS3 to sell at least 5 million more by 2009.


 fixed ;)

Time to Work !

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Yep, the government is going to give everyone a coupon to pick up a free PS3 along with an HDTV to spice up the economy.

The most people made those predicitions in the beginning of 2008.....The 22-23 million PS3 units at the end of 2008 is better than some analysts expected.

Wait, you don't think the Wii will manage 38-40M? You do know that, if the Wii sells the exact same as it did last year, it will end at 40.5M?

Up until now, it has seen a YoY of roughly 50%. If it keeps that ratio, it's going to sell 43-44M, and it is very likely to beat that ratio.


The Ps3 predictions aren't really very good. 22M is unlikely, but it's still possible. 5M is low end, 5.5M is high end for it, leaving it in the 21-21.5M area. The predictions are optimistic, but a hell of a way from an F grade.


The X360 predictions. Stupid beyond words, and the worst by far.

23-24M? Don't be ridiculous. It's bound to sell at least 4M, leaving it at 25.5M, and there's a good change it will beat 26M.


So my grades.


Wii: B+

Most people are unaware of how well the Wii really is selling, and compared to most other people, these predictions are realistic.

Ps3: C+

Go to other places, the predictions are far higher generally, but still, it's too high.



Relatively silly, and if you bother to look at the numbers, you'll see it. Still, not hopelessly bad.


I'm starting to wonder if your first sentence in the title is a lie.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

the PS3 sold 4.3 million last year and now it has improved so why cant it hit 6 or 7 million? Dont say because the economy is bad because if someone wants something they will get it. Even if they are contenplating getting a console they cant be in a bad financial position.

oliminator1994 said:
the PS3 sold 4.3 million last year and now it has improved so why cant it hit 6 or 7 million? Dont say because the economy is bad because if someone wants something they will get it. Even if they are contenplating getting a console they cant be in a bad financial position.

That 4.3 million was shipped first of all, and also for the full quarter, but we are already 2 weeks into it, so you can't use the current total on the front page.

There is no way the PS3 will sell anywhere near 7 million from now till January, and it would be a huge suprise if it managed 6 million.
Sensible estimates put it at 5-5.5 million extra for the rest of the year.

for X360, the range is a little bigger but it should sell 4.5-5.5 million.

The Wii is almost assured an extra 10 million, but with ample supply could reach 13 million