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my favourite is that the PS3 will sell 22-23-24 million by the new year !! ....WTF do you realy think its going to sell 6-7 million copies in the period of 2 months !! GET REAL PEOPLE . unless a miracle were to happen the PS3 is not going to sell half of what it did in its life cycle in just 2 months.

The Wii suprised me once . although i highly doubt it will sell 5 to 7 million more copies ,as many of you predict its life time sales to reach 38-40 million by january

Wow im astonished at how humble the Xbox 360 sales predictions are , 23-24 million ! dont get me wrong im not being harsh or putting the 360 down ,im just saying  they are the most reasonable.


PS3  (F)

Wii (C)

XBOX360  (A-)