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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tetris Party

It came out today for the Wii via WiiWare. I'm really thinking about getting this today or very soon. It definitely has so many features and also online play and even features balance board support which is nice since I just picked up WiiFit a few weeks ago. I know I'm not telling anyone anything they didn't know but I wanted to hear opinions and reviews for Tetris Party as they get it.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

Around the Network

If I can get my debit card to work (hasn't worked for any Wii purchases lately) I'll give it a go since I'm a whore for anything Tetris.

Wait, how do you use the balance board in Tetris?


Lol this is the first time I heard of tetris coming to the wii.

BCrayfish said:
Wait, how do you use the balance board in Tetris?


 I imagine that if you want to move the blocks left, you lean left and the opposite if you want to go right. Stomp if you want to bring down the blocks fast and maybe some other movemont to rotate them?

I'll come up with something better eventually...

Around the Network

I'm getting this and Secret of Mana tonight. I'll have 600pts left, so I'll probably get something else. But, not sure what?.

this got a 9/10 from ign

BCrayfish said:
Wait, how do you use the balance board in Tetris?

Move Left/Right- Shift weight left/right

Drop Tetrominoes fast- Shift weight forward or back

Spin Tetrominoes- Push weight toward ground

Balance Board is hard to get used to, but it's fun.

So I decided to go ahead and buy it and I only played it for a little bit but it was pretty good. I got my ass kicked in some one on one online although I never liked how it raises your level of blocks when the other player gets a tetris. I'm going to play it a lot more later tonight and try the online some more. It also has the option for something about a tournament but no tournament going on yet as of when I tried it.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

I'm a Tetris whore. Already have it pal, but have to remove it since it's in my Wii by illegal ways. Have to update the Wii, and then install it again. Want some online matches against me????