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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft, This Is How You Blow Your PS3 Lead In Japan

who says it is a new unit? hmm
nice trolling boys

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superbeast1370 said:
and fanboys said they had it fixed.


It can't be fixed, here's why:

The 3 red rings mean that a catostrophic hardware failure of some sort has occoured.

It is possible to reduce the most common cause of this failure(heat).

However, asking for the currently designed Xbox 360 to never have another RRoD is like asking a submarine to never have an all-purpose alarm go off, and assuming that if the alarm doesn't happen, the sub will never have an emergency.

RRoD can't be fixed. I've realized that. It is just the alarm that one of many wide ranging problems has occoured.

As far as the main casue of RRoD, I think it has been reduced, but not fixed. I just had to send my 360 off and I got it 11 months ago. They sent me a new one.

As for that picture, I'd guess that being kept in an enclosed space makes the console heat up faster, and the 360 needs a lot of ventelation to work right.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


As for MS/whatever store that is, they need to get these faulty consoles out of the display cases as they fail. Period. That's just bad business.

It's all about marketing.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Lol now that was funny.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
As for MS/whatever store that is, they need to get these faulty consoles out of the display cases as they fail. Period. That's just bad business.

It's all about marketing.



Whatever reason it happened for, they need to get rid of either the display case in it's entirety, or replace the console with a known good until MS can get them a new one.

I think most Japanese people seeing that WILL know that the ring means console down, and it's just bad press.

This is just plain craziness on the part of the store. unless, of course, they're secret SONY fans and havn't bothered to report the failure to MS yet!

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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i am not so sure i will get a 360 now.

hell i would get nothing on resell

CONFIRMED! Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara are SONY fanboys.

But yeh, why any store would leave a RROD machine up for more than a day is just idiotic. Unless they find it humorous lol.

To be fair, I'd be dead too if I were enclosed in that space.

They need to stuff an AC in there.

If it was the airflow, every single 360 in a display would be doing it. They just break. Over and over and over.

"This is the deep-dish, delicious irony endured by the Nintendo stalwart: to see their platform of choice ascendant, even as their bright God turns his face away."

Tycho Brahe

Don't they have a fan underneath those things?

So yeah like many said, probably a older model, but damn man that's some bad press right there.