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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!


sorry to burst ur bubble but :

GTA4/LBP/L4D/GearsoW2 are in better place to get the GoTY award ...

For the RPG category, I dont know.

Time to Work !

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Can you imagine how good Fable 3 is going to be, based on the improvement from Fable to Fable

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

That IGN review just seemed to complain about every little niggle, though I can see how those little chores can get dull


ok anyways these reviews are confirming Fable 2 won't be GOTY..


how can you forget MGS4!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

libellule said:

sorry to burst ur bubble but :

GTA4/LBP/L4D/GearsoW2/mgs4 are in better place to get the GoTY award ...

For the RPG category, I dont know.



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wow 8.8 us but uk gave 9.5??

got a 9 on this spanish site =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Thats interesting (IGN scores from fable 1 & 2):

Fable 1
10 Presentation
A true storybook game, the fresco-painting cut-scenes are a perfect idea and the controls are very intuitive. Albion is a very dense world that has a rich history.

9.0 Graphics
Beautiful environments and great details on your character. The bloom lighting is a nice touch of the fantastic and the magic looks great. Occasional framerate drops and repetitive NPC skins hurt.

9.0 Sound
Beautiful opening score from Danny Elfman and plenty of great voice dialogue. Some of the sounds get repetitive and I wish a few of the creatures sounded a bit more varied.

9.0 Gameplay
It's lost a lot of what would have made it revolutionary, but the combat is good and the game is still a lot of fun. Some of those NPC reactions are priceless. Great humor.

10 Lasting Appeal
Sure, the main adventure is short for an RPG, but there's reason enough to play again. Plus, the world is dense with secrets and fun stuff. It's great to just fool around for a while.

Fable 2

8.0 Presentation
The story is nothing special, but Albion is a believable world full of interesting people.

8.0 Graphics
The environments are impressive, and there’s a wide variety of looks for your character. The spells are visually potent.

8.5 Sound
Solid voice acting and a script packed with humor. The music takes some unexpected, but welcome, turns.

8.5 Gameplay
The combat system is a success and for the most part, the economic and morality systems work well, and the dog is a great addition. The co-op, though, is not up to par.

8.5 Lasting Appeal
The main quest is short, but there are numerous other distractions. If you invest yourself in Fable II, you can spend easily spend 30 hours in Albion. If not, you can truck through in under 10 hours.


So, overall, Fable 2 makes everything better then Fable 1, but gets a lower Score? Strange...

Video: Samsung 37" LCD, Topfield 7700HSCI (HD-Sat), Denon DVD-2500BT (BluRay), Denon DVD-1940 (DVD)
Audio: Teufel System 5 THX @ Denon AVR 1910
Consoles: Homebrew Xbox 360 (500GB), Xbox 360 Slim (4GB) + Kinect, Homebrew Nintendo Wii, Homebrew Playstation 3 Slim (250GB)

A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him - BELIEVE


Same with Motorstorm 2.
