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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best game covers ?

I for 1 minute of thinking would say these:






Take my love, take my land..

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Those do look nice, but I do really like the Call of Duty World at War boxart

The boxart for Perfect Dark (64) is epic.

This guy makes Zack and what's-his-name look like sissies:

I'm going to post the same I posted in a similar thread




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Shadow Of Colossus does look nice..



Take my love, take my land..

The Suikoden II and V covers are one of my fav's, i do also like III's a lot.

FFVII's my all time fav cover, but others do come close like MGS4


Dis one:









so much fucking sarcasm in this post, i almost shit myself

Okami Wii?
