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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the Tomb Raider franchise in danger, again ?

When was the last time that Lara Croft was relevant? The series has gone down dramatically in sales and showed little sign of recovering. And when games need to sell more than ever to recover production costs and to make a profit, it doesn't look good for Tomb Raider.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

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coasterlove said:

When was the last time that Lara Croft was relevant? The series has gone down dramatically in sales and showed little sign of recovering. And when games need to sell more than ever to recover production costs and to make a profit, it doesn't look good for Tomb Raider.

See, now I can understand your concer here if you were a stock holder of EDIOS or something... But none of the tings you mentioned take away the fact that the last 2 Tomb Raider Games were AA fun games.

As a gamer, thats all you should care about...


True but the thing is, I'm not commenting on the quality of the game just the business side of things. As far as sales go, Tomb Raider isn't anywhere near what is it was. Now if any future Tomb Raider games are good, I'd hope they would sell but we know that great games don't always sell. In short, I'm saying that I don't see the Tomb Raider franchise turning it around and becoming the big success it once was.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

I haven't played a TR game since Angel of Darkness (because it depressed me with its shittyness), are the following ones any good? I hear good about Legend!

I don't think that Tomb Raider has been relevant for quite some time unfortunately. I bought Anniversary and enjoyed it, but to be honest there wasn't anything new offered. The environmental puzzles were cool to figure out, Lara looked great, and the game was glitchy as all heck. Same old Tomb Raider. I'm not saying that I don't like it, but they need some better game testers or something.

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I am looking forward to seeing TR: Underworld since there is supposedly an Intellivision in the pawn shop scene.

That being said, I have not felt the yearn to pick up a TR game in a while and don't think I will soon -- though I might try anniversary for my Wii if I can find it cheap.

Mike from Morgantown


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